Connect!: How to Build Trust-Based Relationships

  • 2h 44m
  • Dale Carnegie & Associates
  • G&D Media
  • 2022

At Dale Carnegie Training, we agree that some things never change. After all, the timeless principles that our founder Dale Carnegie established are still as practical and relevant today as ever.

Now that the citizens of our world have made radical shifts because of the global pandemic, and adjusted to remote work and social distancing, the ways we used to connect with others may seem distant or even obsolete. We yearn for real connection, deep and meaningful interactions that are based on commonality instead of what we can get from one another.

Connections can happen anywhere and can range from the simple to the profound. They are what adds the seasoning to the stew of life. They are the things that can make their day, and make ours, and leave us smiling. And who doesn’t want to smile?

Does this mean that it’s easy? That there are no challenges to connecting with different people? Of course not. In our modern world, it’s become normalized to have conflict with those who are different from us. This can make some people skeptical and suspicious when we reach out to them for connection. “What do you want from me?” can be a response. “I’m not going to change for you.”

Yet, those are the very situations where connection matters most. True, genuine connection can create commonality from difference. And once that is done, conflict decreases. We may not agree with the other person, but we can step inside their world for awhile. And understand their perspective, and maybe change our own, or at least understand the true source of disagreement.

The truth is, it’s easier to change ourselves than our circumstances. And, we can change our circumstances by changing ourselves.

About the Author

Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc. provides workplace learning and perfor- mance solutions. It offers leadership, team, and corporate training courses, including skills, communications and human rela- tions/skills, leadership training for managers, sales advantage, and sales success cours- es. The company's course subjects include change management, customer service, effec- tive communication and interpersonal skills, employee engagement, executive training, leadership, organizational development, pre- sentation effectiveness, and sales. Its training categories include various courses, three day seminars, two day seminars, Web events, one day seminars, events, and online training services. The company was founded in 1912 and is based in New York City with locations and additional offices throughout the world.

In this Book

  • Foreword
  • How to Use this Book
  • Five Things this Book will Help You Achieve (That will Make You a Better Person)
  • Thirty Principles from How to Win Friends and Influence People
  • Advice from the Masters
  • Introduction
  • People are Different (But Also the Same)
  • Overcoming Self-Imposed Limitations
  • Valuing Differences
  • Frames, Filters and How They Get in the Way
  • Initiating and Cultivating Relationships
  • Building and Restoring Trust
  • Conflict
  • Empathetic Listening—Being Humble Enough to Listen
  • Virtual Connections
  • Conclusion—Dale Carnegie Principles for Connection
  • Listen!—The Art of Effective Communication
  • Sell!—The Way Your Customers Want to Buy
  • Lead!—How to Build a High-Performing Team
  • Speak!—How to Get Over the Fear and Horror of Public Speaking


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