Construction Project Scheduling and Control, Second Edition

  • 7h 53m
  • Saleh Mubarak
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2010

An easy-to-follow guide to the theory and practice of project scheduling and control

No matter how large or small the construction project, an efficient, well-thought-out schedule is crucial to achieving success. The schedule manages all aspects of a job, such as adjusting staff requirements at various stages, overseeing materials deliveries and equipment needs, organizing inspections, and estimating time needs for curing and settling—all of which requires a deep understanding on the part of the scheduler.

Written by a career construction professional,Construction Project Scheduling and Control, Second Edition has been fully revised with up-to-date coverage detailing all the steps needed to devise a technologically advanced schedule geared toward streamlining the construction process. Solved and unsolved exercises reinforce learning, while an overview of industry standard computer software sets the tone for further study. Some of the features in this Second Edition include:

  • Focus on precedence networks as a viable solution to scheduling, the main part of project control
  • The concepts of Dynamic Minimal Lag, a new CPM technique developed by the author
  • A new chapter on schedule risk management

By combining basic fundamentals with advanced techniques alongside the robust analysis of theory to enhance real-world applications, Construction Project Scheduling and Control is an ideal companion for students and professionals looking to formulate a schedule for a time-crunched industry in need of better ways to oversee projects.

About the Author

Saleh Mubarak, PhD, is Training Manager at the Qatar Project Management (QPM) Company in Doha, Qatar. A member of PMI and the PMI College of Scheduling, he served on the committee that created the PMI COS professional scheduler certification exam and is a former project controls manager with the Public Works Department of Hillsborough County in Tampa, Florida.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Bar (Gantt) Charts
  • Basic Networks
  • The Critical Path Method (CPM)
  • Precedence Networks
  • Resource Allocation and Resource Leveling
  • Schedule Updating and Project Control
  • Schedule Compression and Time-Cost Trade-Off
  • Reports and Presentations
  • Scheduling as Part of the Project Management Effort
  • Other Scheduling Methods
  • Dynamic Minimum Lag Relationship
  • Construction Delay and other Claims
  • Schedule Risk Management
  • Abbreviations
  • Glossary
  • References
  • Bibliography