Designing Green Networks and Network Operations: Reducing Enterprises' and Carriers' Carbon Footprint and Saving Run-the-Engine Costs with Green Networks and Data Centers

  • 7h 41m
  • Daniel Minoli
  • CRC Press
  • 2011

In recent years, socio-political trends toward environmental responsibility and the pressing need to reduce Run-the-Engine (RTE) costs have resulted in the concept of Green IT. Although a significant amount of energy is used to operate routing, switching, and transmission equipment, comparatively less attention has been paid to Green Networking. A clear and concise introduction to green networks and green network operations, Designing Green Networks and Network Operations: Saving Run-the-Engine Costs guides you through the techniques available to achieve efficiency goals for corporate and carrier networks, including deploying more efficient hardware, blade form-factor routers and switches, and pursuing consolidation, virtualization, and network and cloud computing.

The book:

  • Delineates techniques to minimize network power, cooling, floor space, and online storage while optimizing service performance, capacity, and availability
  • Discusses virtualization, network computing, and Web services as approaches for green data centers and networks
  • Emphasizes best practices and compliance with international standards for green operations
  • Extends the green data center techniques to the networking environment
  • Incorporates green principles in the intranet, extranet, and the entire IT infrastructures
  • Reviews networking, power management, HVAC and CRAC basics
  • Presents methodical steps toward a seamless migration to Green IT and Green Networking

About the Author

Daniel Minoli has many years of technical hands-on and managerial experience in planning, designing, deploying, and operating IP/IPv6, telecom, wireless, and video networks, and data center systems and subsystems for global Best-in-Class carriers and financial companies. He has worked at financial firms such as AIG, Prudential Securities, Capital One Financial, and service provider firms such as Network Analysis Corporation, Bell Telephone Laboratories, ITT, Bell Communications Research (now Telcordia), AT&T, Leading Edge Network Inc., and SES Engineering, where he is Director of Terrestrial Systems Engineering (SES is the largest satellite services company in the world). At SES, Minoli has been responsible for the development and deployment of IPTV systems, terrestrial and mobile IP-based networking services, and IPv6 services over satellite links. He also played a founding role in the launching of two companies through the high-tech incubator Leading Edge Network Inc., which he ran in the early 2000s: Global Wireless Services, a provider of secure broadband hotspot mobile Internet and hotspot VoIP services, and InfoPort Communications Group, an optical and Gigabit Ethernet metropolitan carrier supporting data center/ SAN/channel extension and cloud computing network access services. For several years he has been Session-, Tutorial-, and now overall Technical Program Chair for the IEEE ENTNET (Enterprise Networking) Conference; ENTNET focuses on enterprise networking requirements for large financial firms and other corporate institutions. He is also the founder and president emeritus of the IPv6 Institute, a certification organization for IPv6 networking technology, IPv6 global network deployment, and IPv6 security (

Minoli has done extensive work in the network engineering, design, and implementation of carrier and corporate networks, as well as work in network/datacenter virtualization. The results presented in this book are based on work done while at AT&T, Leading Edge Network Inc., Capital One Financial, and SES Engineering. Some of the virtualization work has been documented in his book A Networking Approach to Grid Computing (Wiley, 2005) and in the book Enterprise Architecture A to Z (CRC Press, 2008).

Minoli has also written columns for ComputerWorld, NetworkWorld, and Network Computing(1985–2006). He has taught at New York University (Information Technology Institute), Rutgers University, and Stevens Institute of Technology (1984–2006). Also, he was a technology analyst at-large for Gartner/ DataPro (1985–2001); based on extensive hands-on work at financial firms and carriers, he tracked technologies and wrote CTO/CIO-level technical scans in the area of telephony and data systems, including topics on security, disaster recovery, network management, LANs, WANs (ATM and MPLS), wireless (LAN and public hotspot), VoIP, network design/economics, carrier networks (such as metro Ethernet and CWDM/DWDM), and e-commerce. Over the years he has advised venture capitalists for investments of $150 million in a dozen high-tech companies. He has acted as an expert witness in a (won) $11 billion lawsuit regarding a VoIP-based wireless air-to-ground communication system, and has been involved as a technical expert in a number of patent infringement proceedings.

In this Book

  • Introduction and Overview
  • A Networking Primer
  • Concepts and Analytical Measures for Green Operations
  • Power Management Basics
  • HVAC and CRAC Basics
  • Regulatory and Best Practices Background
  • Approaches for Green Networks and Data Centers: Environmentals
  • Approaches for Green Networks and Data Centers: Virtualization, Web Services, Cloud/Network Computing, Hosting, and Packetization
  • Glossary