Eighty-eight Assignments for Development in Place

  • 25m
  • Michael M. Lombardo, Robert W. Eichinger
  • Center for Creative Leadership
  • 1989

The Center's continuing studies of executives have found that learning on the job is the best way for a person to develop. Often people are given new positions in order to provide them with developmental experiences. But what if such a transfer is not possible? This report contains 88 assignments that can be added to a current job, offering individual developmental opportunities.

About the Authors

Michale M. Lombardo, Ed.D., is an Honorary Senior Fellow at CCL and co-owner of Lominger Limited, publishers of the Leadership Architect Suite. These products are used primarily for leadership development, organizational diagnosis, and individual feedback.

Robert W. Eichinger, Ph.D., is co-owner of Lominger Limited. He was formerly an adjunct faculty member at CCL, where he co-developed and taught in the Tools for Developing Successful Executives program.

In this Book

  • How to Use This Article
  • Background—Experiences That Develop Managers and What Makes Them Developmental
  • Eleven Challenges Common to Developmental Experience
  • Assignments for Development in Place
  • Setting Up a System for Development in Place
  • Helping Managers Get the Most From Their Experiences