Executive Presence: The Art of Commanding Respect Like a CEO

  • 4h 23m
  • Harrison Monarth
  • McGraw-Hill
  • 2010

An expert in coaching high-level players in the art of perception management, Harrison Monarth reveals the critical difference between CEOs and those of us who wish to be CEOs. It’s not a matter of intelligence, connections, or luck. It can be summed up in two words: executive presence.

While most of us toil in obscurity and expect great things to follow, those on the path to corporate leadership spend their time perfecting the types of leadership communication skills that generate respect and get others to share their vision. They use these skills to establish how they are perceived by others and to manage their reputation throughout the organization. In other words, these soon-to be top players have developed the presence of an executive through careful image management—and they make sure they have the goods to back it up.

In Executive Presence, Monarth shows how you can seize control of your own career using the same skills. Inside, he explains how to:

  • Accurately “read” people and predict their behavior
  • Influence the perceptions of others
  • Persuade those of opposing views to your side
  • Create and maintain a personal “brand”
  • Manage and control your online reputation
  • Perform damage control when things go wrong

Monarth’s conclusions aren’t based solely on his keen insight and extensive experience; they’re the result of the latest scientific research in interpersonal communication and human behavior.

Talent and skills are important, but they alone won’t take you to the top of your organization. People reach highly influential positions because they deeply understand the power of perception and know how to leverage it in their favor. The good news is, anyone with the will to succeed can do it. Executive Presence provides all the techniques you need to take your career to the highest level of any organization.

About the Author

Harrison Monarth is the founder and president of GuruMaker, a global communications consulting firm that helps Fortune 500 executives, international politicians, and other high-level professionals shape events using the skills of persuasion, image management, and media leveraging. He is the coauthor of the New York Times bestseller The Confident Speaker.

In this Book

  • The Natural Laws of Perception—How the People around You Perceive You
  • Developing Your Social Intelligence
  • How to Read People and Predict Behavior
  • Engineering Buy-in and Gaining Compliance
  • How to Master the Art of Storytelling for Personal and Professional Success
  • Shortcuts to Influence—The Secrets to Changing Behaviors and Attitudes
  • Secrets to Managing Interpersonal Conflict and Improving Relationships
  • How to Hold Conversations Nobody Wants to Have
  • Why Self-Branding Is No Longer a Choice and What Your Personal Brand Says about You
  • Branding 2.0—How to Use the Internet to Build and Expand Your Personal and Professional Brand
  • How the Media Create Meaning in the Minds of an Audience—Powerful Messages and the Art of Spin
  • How to Use the Media to Enhance Your Reputation and Raise Your Profile
  • Top Seven Secrets for Success with the Media
  • You’ve Been Googled—What’s the Verdict?
  • Reputation Management 2.0