ExecutiveHealth.com's Leading Under Pressure: Strategies to Avoid Burnout, Increase Energy, and Improve Your Well-Being
- 3h 23m
- Gabriela Cora
- Career Press, Inc.
- 2010
According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, stress-related disorders are fast becoming the most prevalent reason for worker disability. Millions of CEOs, executives, entrepreneurs, and professionals are thinking, planning, and scheming about how to stretch a 24-hour day into an endless and productive workday. Burnt-out, energy depleted, and constantly stressed, many find themselves unable to take pleasure in their hard-earned position.
Leading Under Pressure summarizes the many challenges such professionals face. In it, you will discover:
- Lessons learned from corporate and entrepreneurial CEOs.
- Ways to avoid burnout.
- Proven ways to integrate individual health with organizational health.
- Effective strategies to maximize your peak performance and productivity while also maximizing your health and well-being.
About the Author
Dr. Gaby Cora works with people and organizations that want to remain healthy as they become wealthy. A renaissance woman, she's a wellness doctor and coach to executives and entrepreneurs. Dr. Cora is a medical doctor with a master's in business administration, a keynote speaker, board-certified psychiatrist, spouse and mother of two young adults. She has been interviewed by CNN, FOX, NBC, Lifetime television, the New York Times, Forbes, and Business Week. Dr. Cora is president of the Executive Health & Wealth Institute, managing partner of the Florida Neuroscience Center, chapter chair for the Women Presidents' Organization and director of the American Psychiatric Foundation.
In this Book
ExecutiveHealth.com’s Leading Under Pressure—Strategies to Avoid Burnout, Increase Energy, and Improve Your Well-Being
Burnout Quiz
Introduction—The 12 Most Common Beliefs that Will Burn You Out
The Myth of Life-Work Balance
“Be Cool” – Brian Dyson
Do You Need A Coach or A Doctor?
“Efficiency”– Donna Shalala
The Healthy Individual
“Commitment”– Gary Hoover
Health & Wealth Quadrants for the Individual
“Lead With Passion” – Janet Vergis
Individual Strategies to Improve Performance, Productivity, Health, and Well-Being
“From Firefighter to Strategic Leader” – Gerry Czarnecki
The Healthy Organization
“Mastermind” – Marsha Firestone
Health & Wealth Quadrants for the Organization
“Set Your Priorities” – Leylani Cardoso
Organizational Strategies to Improve Performance, Productivity, Health, and Well-Being
“Live” – Nando Parrado
Life-Work Assessment