Forensic Radio Survey Techniques for Cell Site Analysis

  • 7h 4m
  • Joseph Hoy
  • John Wiley & Sons (UK)
  • 2015

Forensic Radio Survey Techniques for Cell Site Analysis is intended to be used both as a text book and as an aide memoire handbook for forensic radio survey engineers, particularly those working for official police agencies. The main part of the book focuses on radio surveys, the various types of survey, the techniques employed for each survey type and the considerations and potential problems that can be encountered when surveying different types of network. The final section deals with processing and interpreting the results of radio surveys and examines the forensic information that can be gained from them. It also introduces some of the basic ideas of cell site analysis and indicates how this discipline can be enhanced with radio survey information.

The book provides a simple but detailed overview of the operation of cellular networks (including GSM, UMTS, LTE and CDMAOne/CDMA2000), offering an overview of the technical theories that underpin cellular radio systems, presents basic radio theory and offers a simple explanation of the mathematical concepts that underlie radio signal measurement scales such as dB and dBm.

  • Provides an overview of cell tower technology and best practices for professionals involved in cell site analysis and cell tower research, engineering and acquisitions
  • Considers the problems that can be encountered when surveying different types of network and offers solutions to those problems
  • Discusses the processing and interpretation of radio survey results and examines the forensic information that can be gained from them

About the Author

Joseph Hoy is a telecoms engineer and trainer with 27 years of industry experience. He has worked extensively as a forensic cell site analyst and expert witness, contributing to many high-profile cases. He has undertaken the work of the forensic radio surveyor, capturing measurements of cellular coverage at crime scenes and other locations, and has also provided extensive training for cellular engineers, cell site analysts and forensic radio survey engineers.

In this Book

  • Forensic Radio Surveys for Cell Site Analysis
  • Radio Theory
  • Wireless Technologies and Deployments
  • Cellular Theory
  • 3GPP Network Types
  • Other Cellular Network Types
  • Forensic Radio Surveys
  • Cell Site Analysis
  • Summary and Practical Activities