Full Stack JavaScript: Learn Backbone.js, Node.js and MongoDB, Second Edition

  • 2h 9m
  • Azat Mardan
  • Apress
  • 2015

This is a hands-on book which introduces you to agile JavaScript web and mobile software development using the latest cutting-edge front-end and back-end technologies including: Node.js, MongoDB, Backbone.js, Parse.com, Heroku and Windows Azure.

Practical examples include building multiple versions of the Chat app:

  • jQuery + Parse.com JS REST API
  • Backbone and Parse.com JS SDK
  • Backbone and Node.js
  • Backbone and Node.js + MongoDB

The Chat application has all the foundation of a typical web/mobile application: fetching data, displaying it, submitting new data.

Other examples in the book are as follows:

  • jQuery + Twitter RESP API “Tweet Analyzer”
  • Parse.com “Save John”
  • MongoDB “Print Collections”
  • Backbone.js “Apple Database”
  • Monk + Express.js “REST API Server”

This book will save you many hours by providing a hand-picked and tested collection of quick start guides. RPJS has practical examples that allow to spend less time learning and more time building your own applications. Prototype fast and ship code that matters!

What You will Learn:

  • You should expect a basic understanding from a collection of quick start guides, tutorials and suggestions for the devel0pment apps discussed in this book.
  • In addition to coding examples, the book covers virtually all setup and deployment step-by-step.
  • You’ll learn from the examples of Chat web/mobile applications starting with front-end components and by the end we’ll put front-end and back-end together and deploy to the production environment.

Who This Book is For:

The typical programmer who wants to learn more about effective JavaScript coding.

About the Author

Azat Mardan has over 12 years of experience in web, mobile and software development. With a Bachelor's Degree in Informatics and a Master of Science in Information Systems Technology degree, Azat possesses deep academic knowledge as well as extensive practical experience.

Currently Azat works as an engineer at the curated social media news aggregator website Storify.com. He teaches technical classes at General Assembly San Francisco and Hack Reactor to much acclaim. In his spare time, Azat writes about technology on his blog webAppLog-dot-com.

Previously, Azat has worked as a CTO/co-founder at Gizmo, an enterprise cloud platform for mobile marketing campaigns, and has undertaken the prestigious 500 Startups business accelerator program. Prior to this, Azat was developing mission-critical applications for government agencies in Washington, DC, including the National Institutes of Health, the National Center for Biotechnology Information, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, as well as Lockheed Martin.

Azat is a frequent attendee at Bay Area tech meet-ups and hackathons (StartupBus 2013, AngelHack hackathon 12 finalist with team FashionMetric-dot-com).

In this Book

  • Basics
  • Setup
  • jQuery and Parse.com
  • Intro to Backbone.js
  • Backbone.js and Parse.com
  • Intro to Node.js
  • Intro to MongoDB
  • Putting it All Together