Game Theory for Wireless Communications and Networking

  • 12h 50m
  • Mohsen Guizani (eds), Yan Zhang
  • CRC Press
  • 2011

Used to explain complicated economic behavior for decades, game theory is quickly becoming a tool of choice for those serious about optimizing next generation wireless systems. Illustrating how game theory can effectively address a wide range of issues that until now remained unresolved, Game Theory for Wireless Communications and Networkingprovides a systematic introduction to the application of this powerful and dynamic tool.

This comprehensive technical guide explains game theory basics, architectures, protocols, security, models, open research issues, and cutting-edge advances and applications. It describes how to employ game theory in infrastructure-based wireless networks and multihop networks to reduce power consumption—while improving system capacity, decreasing packet loss, and enhancing network resilience. Providing for complete cross-referencing, the text is organized into four parts:

  • Fundamentals—introduces the fundamental issues and solutions in applying different games in different wireless domains, including wireless sensor networks, vehicular networks, and OFDM-based wireless systems
  • Power Control Games—considers issues and solutions in power control games
  • Economic Approaches—reviews applications of different economic approaches, including bargaining and auction-based approaches
  • Resource Management—explores how to use the game theoretic approach to address radio resource management issues

The book explains how to apply the game theoretic model to address specific issues, including resource allocation, congestion control, attacks, routing, energy management, packet forwarding, and MAC. Facilitating quick and easy reference to related optimization and algorithm methodologies, it supplies you with the background and tools required to use game theory to drive the improvement and development of next generation wireless systems.

In this Book

  • Game Theory in Multiuser Wireless Communications
  • Decision Theory with Its Applications in Wireless Communication
  • Game Theory in Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Game-Theoretic Models for Vehicular Networks
  • EGT in Wireless Communications and Networking
  • Game Theory for OFDM Systems with Incomplete Information
  • Evolutionary Networking Games
  • Shannon Rate-Efficient Power Allocation Games
  • Noncooperative Power Control in CDMA Wireless Networks
  • Hierarchical Power Allocation Games
  • Dynamical Transmission Control
  • Auction-Based Resource Management and Fairness Issues in Wireless Networks
  • Cooperation Incentives in 4G Networks
  • Dynamics of Coalition Games for Cooperation in Wireless Networks
  • Auction Algorithms for Dynamic Spectrum Access
  • Bargaining Strategies for Camera Selection in a Video Network
  • Game-Theoretic Radio Resource Management in OFDMA-Based Cognitive Radio
  • Noncooperative Resource Management in Wireless Systems
  • Multistage Congestion Games for Wireless Real-Time Streaming
  • Friends or Foes for OFDM Interference Channel
  • Admission Control in IEEE 802.11e Wireless LAN: A Game-Theoretical Approach
  • Intelligent Network Selection: Game-Theoretic Approaches
  • Network Selection and Handoff in Wireless Networks: A Game Theoretic Approach