HTML5 for Web Designers, Second Edition

  • 1h 5m
  • Jeremy Keith, Rachel Andrew
  • A Book Apart, LLC
  • 2016

HTML5 is the longest HTML specification ever written. It is also the most powerful, and in some ways, the most confusing. What do accessible, content-focused standards-based web designers and front-end developers need to know? And how can we harness the power of HTML5 in today’s browsers?

In this brilliant and entertaining user’s guide, Jeremy Keith cuts to the chase, with crisp, clear, practical examples, and his patented twinkle and charm.

In this Book

  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • A Brief History of Markup
  • The Design of HTML5
  • Rich Media
  • Web Forms 2.0
  • Semantics
  • Using HTML5 Today
  • Resources
  • References