I Can Read You Like a Book: How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People are Really Sending with their Body Language
- 3h 33m
- Gregory Hartley, Maryann Karinch
- Red Wheel/Weiser
- 2007
- Are you in business, journalism, law enforcement, or medicine?
- Do you face students in a classroom or criminals in a courtroom?
- Are you in a relationship or looking for one?
- Do you have children?
Then you need the skills to read them like a book! I Can Read You Like a Book features a system for scanning and interpreting anyone's body language, enabling you to figure out what they are really saying or feeling:
- Review: Check out someone quickly, from head to toe.
- Evaluate: Know what to look for; notice what's relevant.
- Analyze: Spot voluntary versus involuntary movements; factor in gender, context, culture.
- Decide: Draw your conclusion.
Step-by-step, you will develop the same skills the best interrogators and detectives use to assess spies, criminals, and witnesses. As part of the process, you will observe some of the most famous people in the world through interrogator Greg Hartley's eyes. you'll discover what emotions these politicians, pundits, and stars are leaking through their body language and facial expressions, and what their answers (or non-answers) are really saying.
I Can Read You Like a Book gives you the fastest, most efficient method to read body language. In any kind of face-to-face competition, first encounters or daily encounters, and even watching the news, you will spot the messages and emotions that people are really sending--whether they know it or not
.As a bonus, you will learn how to use your own face and body to your advantage, whether you're trying to evade a difficult question, handle a sensitive situation, or just playing poker!
About the Authors
Gregory Hartley's expertise as an interrogator first earned him honors with the U.S. Army. More recently, it has drawn organizations such as the CIA and national TV to seek his insights about "how to" as well as "why."
Hartley has an illustrious military record, including earning the prestigious Knowlton Award, which recognizes individuals who have contributed significantly to the promotion of Army Intelligence. He graduated from the U.S. Army Interrogation School, the Anti-Terrorism Instructor Qualification Course, the Principle Protection Instructor Qualification Course, several Behavioral Symptom Analysis Seminars, and SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape) school. His skills as an expert interrogator earned praise while he served as an SERE Instructor, Operational Interrogation Support to the 5th Special Forces Group during operation Desert Storm, Interrogation Trainer, and as a creator and director of several joint-force, multi-national interrogation exercises from 1994 to 2000. Among his military awards are the Meritorious Service Medal (which he received twice), Army Commendation Medal (of which he is a five-time recipient), Army Achievement Medal (which he received four times), National Defense Service Medal, Southwest Asia Service Medal, and Kuwait Liberation Medal. He also attended law school at Rutgers University.
Hartley has provided expert interrogation analysis for major network and cable television, particularly Fox News, as well as National Public Radio and prime print media such as The Washington Post and Philadelphia Inquirer. Important foreign media such as Der Spiegel have also relied on his commentary.
Maryann Karinch is the author of seven books, including the successful business book Rangers Lead the Way: The Army Rangers' Guide to Leading Your Organization Through Chaos (Adams Media, 2003). Others published works are Dr. David Sherer's Hospital Survival Guide (with co-author David Sherer, MD; Claren Books, 2003); Diets Designed for Athletes (Human Kinetics, 2001); Empowering Underachievers: How to Guide Failing Kids (8–18) to Personal Excellence (co-author Dr. Peter Spevak; New Horizon Press, 2000); Lessons from the Edge: Extreme Athletes Show You How to Take on High Risk and Succeed (Simon & Schuster, 2000); Boot Camp: The Sergeant's Fitness and Nutrition Program (with co-author Patrick "The Sarge" Avon; Simon & Schuster, 1999); and Telemedicine: What the Future Holds When you're Ill (New Horizon Press, 1994).
Earlier in her career, she managed a professional theater and raised funds for arts and education programs in Washington, D.C. She holds bachelor's and master's degrees in speech and drama from The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.
In this Book
The Steps to Reading Body Language
Culture: The Big External Influence
Review From Scalp to Soles: R of R.E.A.D.
Gesturing, With or Without Intent
The Holistic View: E in R.E.A.D.
Filters: Sex and Other Misconceptions
Making It Personal: A in R.E.A.D.
Politicians, Pundits, and Stars—D in R.E.A.D.
The Man in the Street
Using Body Language to Your Advantage in Business
Using Body Language in Your Personal Life
Using R.E.A.D.