IMS Application Developer's Handbook: Creating and Deploying Innovative IMS Applications

  • 9h 50m
  • Rogier Noldus, et al.
  • Elsevier Science and Technology Books, Inc.
  • 2011

IMS Application Developer's Handbook gives a hands-on view of exactly what needs to be done by IMS application developers to develop an application and take it "live" on an operator's network. It offers practical guidance on building innovative applications using the features and capabilities of the IMS network, and shows how the rapidly changing development environment is impacting on the business models employed in the industry and how existing network solutions can be moved towards IMS. Elaborating on how IMS applies basic VoIP principles and techniques to realize a true multi-access, and multimedia network, this book ensures that developers know how to use IMS most effectively for applications.

Written by established experts in the IMS core network and IMS service layer, with roots in ISDN and GSM, with experience from working at Ericsson, who have been active in standardisation and technology development and who have been involved in many customer projects for the implementation of fixed mobile converged IMS network and service. The authors of this book bring their in-depth and extensive knowledge in the organizations involved in the IMS standardization and its architecture.

  • Clear, concise and comprehensive view of the IMS and Rich Communication Suite (RCS) for developers
  • Written by established experts in the IMS services layer, who have been involved in many customer projects for the implementation of fixed mobile converged IMS network and service
  • Covers potential service and operator scenarios for the IMS architecture; it is significantly more than merely a description of the IMS standards

In this Book

  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Business Modeling for a Digital Planet
  • Service Deployment Patterns
  • Applications in the IP Multimedia Subsystem
  • Service Development
  • Introduction to IP-Based Real-Time Communications
  • Introduction to Session Initiation Protocol
  • Introduction to the IMS Network
  • MMTel and other IMS Enablers
  • Charging
  • Interworking with Legacy Networks
  • Rich Communication Suite
  • Evolved IP Multimedia Architecture and Services
  • Future Outlook—Market and Technology
  • References
  • Abbreviations