Information Technology Investment: Decision-Making Methodology

  • 5h 36m
  • Ashlyn M. Schniederjans, Jamie L. Hamaker, Marc J. Schniederjans
  • World Scientific Publishing Co
  • 2004

From the individual to the largest organization, everyone today has to make investments in information technology. Making a good investment that will best satisfy all the necessary decision criteria requires a careful and inclusive analysis. Information Technology Investment: Decision-Making Methodology is a textbook that will provide the understanding of methodologies available to aid in this area of complex, multi-criterion decision-making. It presents a detailed, step-by-step set of procedures and methodologies that readers can use immediately to improve their IT investment decision-making. Unique to this textbook are both financial investment models and more complex decision-making models from management science, so users can extend the analysis benefits to confirm and enhance the ideal IT investment choices.

In this Book

  • Introduction to Information Technology Investment Decision-Making Methodology
  • Needs Analysis and Alternative Information Technology Investment Strategies
  • Measuring Information Technology Performance
  • Basic Financial Methods
  • Other Financial Methodologies
  • Cost/Benefit Analysis
  • Critical Success Factors, Delphi Method and the Balanced Scorecard Method
  • Multi-Factor Scoring Methods and the Analytic Hierarchy Process
  • Decision Analysis and Multi-Objective Programming Methods
  • Benchmarking Techniques and Game Theory
  • Investment Portfolio Methodologies
  • Value Analysis and Benefit/Risk Methodologies
  • Epilogue—The Costs of Not Making the Right Information Technology Decision (and Strategies on How to Avoid Them)