Intelligence-Based Security in Private Industry
- 2h 25m
- Thomas A. Trier
- CRC Press
- 2015
In Intelligence-Based Security in Private Industry, Thomas A. Trier identifies the inherent need and desire for intelligence-based security that exists throughout the private security industry. He provides a general overview of intelligence-based security and specific implementation guidelines to reduce private businesses’ risk and vulnerability to criminal activities.
This book is practical and informational, demonstrating real applications of the concepts, theories, and methods of gathering and acting upon information that may suggest a threat to a company. It explains the difference between risk assessments, vulnerability assessments, and threat assessments, defines external and internal threats, and outlines how strategies to address either form of threat differ. It also establishes an outline of four key parts to an effective intelligence program: assessment, evaluation, analysis, and mitigation.
Trier illustrates concepts and strategies with specific examples of his past experiences using and developing intelligence-based plans to improve security systems. He provides these case studies as guides to developing similar programs in your company because, as he points out, "any capable adversary with the intent to attack also is running its own intelligence program."
Using in-house intelligence-based security can make you better prepared against physical and virtual threats, ranging from theft of goods to identity theft. It allows you to have more critical information at hand prior to a possible incident and to make more informed decisions in anticipation of or response to threats. Intelligence-Based Security in Private Industry shows you how to acquire this information and how to use it for your protection.
About the Author
Tom Trier served for 25 years as a special agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), including 13 years in the FBI management program. He attained the rank of assistant special agent in charge in the Intelligence Branch of the FBI Washington Field Office. His field of expertise was investigating criminal and terrorist enterprises, including extensive service overseas and development of intelligence programs. He served for 2½ years as the leader of corporate security for an electrical transmission-only utility company, where he developed a security intelligence program that defined and analyzed internal, external, and electrical industry threats to the enterprise and formed collaborative working groups to reduce risk. Mr. Trier offers intelligence and security services through his business, Security Intelligence Consulting L.L.C.
In this Book
Intelligence Descriptions
Intelligence Background
Advantages of an Intelligence-Based Program
Corporate Security Capabilities Assessment
Evaluate Capabilities
Recommend Security Standards
Initiate Collaboration of Cyber Security and Others
Liaise with Industry Partners and Law Enforcement
Show Success
Engage Executive Management
External Threats
Industry Threats
Internal Threats
Planning and Resources
Conduct an Intelligence Program Assessment
Minimize Risk
Develop a Strategic Plan
Develop a Tactical Plan
Utility Company Execution
Other Examples of Execution