Introducing Spring Framework: A Primer

  • 3h 13m
  • Felipe Gutierrez
  • Apress
  • 2014

Introducing Spring Framework is your hands-on guide to learning to build applications using the Spring Framework. The book uses a simple My Documents application that you will develop incrementally over the course of the book and covers:

  • How to programmatically configure the Spring container and beans
  • How to use annotations for dependency injection
  • How to use collections and custom types
  • How to customize and configure bean properties and bean lifecycle interfaces
  • How to handle metadata using XML, annotations, and the Groovy bean reader
  • How to use the new Spring Boot and Spring XD

After reading this book, you will have all you need to start using the Spring Framework effectively.

What you’ll learn

  • Send and receive JMS messages using Spring
  • Use the Spring unit testing features
  • Send and receive AMQP messages using Spring with RabbitMQ
  • Utilize aspect-oriented programming in Spring
  • Integrate the Spring Framework using JDBC and NoSQL databases like MongoDB
  • Create web applications and expose REST APIs
  • Use email and schedule tasks with Spring
  • Use Spring and Groovy together

About the Author

Felipe Gutierrez is a software architect, with a bachelors and master degree in computer science from Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Campus Ciudad de Mexico. With over 20 years of IT experience, during which time he developed programs for companies in multiple vertical industries, such as government, retail, healthcare, education, and banking. Right now, he is currently working as a senior consultant for EMC/Pivotal, specializing in the Spring Framework, Groovy, and RabbitMQ, among other technologies. He works as a consultant for big companies like Nokia, Apple, Redbox, and Qualcomm, among others. He is also a technical reviewer for the upcoming book from Apress, Spring Recipes, Third Edition.

In this Book

  • Your First Spring Application
  • Working with Classes and Dependencies
  • Applying Different Configurations
  • Using Beans Scopes
  • Working with Collections and Custom Types
  • Using Resource Files
  • Testing Your Spring Application
  • Give Advice to Your Spring Application
  • Adding Persistence to Your Spring Application
  • Showing Your Spring Application on the Web
  • Integrating Your Spring Application with External Systems
  • Exposing a REST API
  • Adding E-mail and Scheduling Tasks
  • Using Dynamic Languages
  • Spring Data Within Your Spring Application
  • Messaging with Your Spring Application
  • Be Social and Go Mobile
  • Spring and Groovy
  • Spring Boot, Simplifying Everything
  • Your First Spring XD Application