Introduction to Healthcare Quality Management
- 4h 33m
- Patrice Spath
- Health Administration Press
- 2009
Introduction to Healthcare Quality Management explains the basic principles and techniques of quality management in healthcare.
In non-technical language, this book describes methods of measuring, assessing, and improving healthcare services. It is packed with practical examples and case studies that apply quality concepts and tools to real-life situations. Each chapter contains a list of key words and a glossary to help you understand the vocabulary of healthcare quality management.
You will learn:
- Attributes of quality most important to healthcare stakeholders, including purchasers and consumers
- Legislative mandates, regulatory agencies, and accreditation groups that influence healthcare quality activities
- How to use common quantitative and qualitative process improvement tools
- How to collect and analyze data to identify improvement priorities
- Patient safety and risk management activities that reduce medical errors
- Resource management initiatives that balance quality patient care and costs
- Organizational factors that influence the quality process
About the Author
Patrice L. Spath, RHIT, is a health information management professional with broad experience in healthcare quality and safety improvement. She is president of Brown-Spath & Associates, a healthcare publishing and training company. During the past 25 years, Spath has presented more than 350 educational programs on healthcare quality management topics. Spath is an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Health Services Administration at the University of Alabama, Birmingham.
In this Book
Focus on Quality
Quality Management Building Blocks
Measuring Performance
Evaluating Performance
Continuous Improvement
Performance Improvement Tools
Improvement Project Teams
Improving Patient Safety
Managing the Use of Healthcare Resources
Organizing for Quality