JMP 12 Scripting Guide

  • 9h
  • SAS Institute
  • SAS Institute
  • 2015

Scripting Guide provides details for taking advantage of the powerful JMP Scripting Language (JSL). Learn how to write and debug scripts, manipulate data tables, construct display boxes, create JMP applications, and more.

In this Book

  • Learn about JMP—Documentation and Additional Resources
  • Introduction—Welcome to the JMP Scripting Language
  • Getting Started—Let JMP Write Your Scripts
  • Scripting Tools—Using the Script Editor, Log Window, Debugger and Profiler
  • JSL Building Blocks—Learning the Basics of JSL
  • Types of Data—Working with Numbers, Strings, Dates, Currency, and More
  • Data Structures—Working with Collections of Data
  • Programming Methods—Complex Scripting Techniques and Additional Functions
  • Data Tables—Working with Data Table Objects
  • Scripting Platforms—Create, Repeat, and Modify Analyses
  • Display Trees—Create and Use Windows
  • Scripting Graphs—Create and Edit 2-Dimensional Plots
  • Three-Dimensional Scenes—Scripting in Three Dimensions
  • Extending JMP—External Data Sources, Analytical Tools, and Automation
  • Creating and Sharing Applications—Application Builder and Add-In Builder
  • Common Tasks—Getting Started with Sample Scripts