Leading the Transformation: Applying Agile and DevOps Principles at Scale

  • 1h 46m
  • Gary Gruver, Tommy Mouser
  • IT Revolution Press
  • 2015

Software is becoming more and more important across a broad range of industries, yet most technology executives struggle to deliver software improvements their businesses require.

Leading-edge companies like Amazon and Google are applying DevOps and Agile principles to deliver large software projects faster than anyone thought possible. But most executives don’t understand how to transform their current legacy systems and processes to scale these principles across their organizations.

Leading the Transformation is an executive guide, providing a clear framework for improving development and delivery. Instead of the traditional Agile and DevOps approaches that focus on improving the effectiveness of teams, this book targets the coordination of work across teams in large organizations—an improvement that executives are uniquely positioned to make.

About the Authors

Gary Gruver is an experienced executive with a proven track record of transforming software development processes and working with executives in large organizations. As coauthor of A Practical Approach to Large-Scale Agile Development, he documents how HP revolutionized software development while he was the director of the LaserJet Firmware development lab at HP. As VP of QE, Release, and Operations at Macys.com he led their transition to continuous delivery.

Tommy Mouser has been directly involved in the design, development, qualification, and delivery of software systems for over 30 years. For the past eight years, while working at HP and Macys.com, his primary focus has been on working with his teams and partners on a journey toward Agile methodologies.

In this Book

  • Chapter 1: Understanding the Transformation
  • Chapter 2: Challenges with Scaling Agile Teams
  • Chapter 3: Business Objectives and Crucial First Steps
  • Chapter 4: Enterprise-Level Continuous Improvement
  • Chapter 5: Agile Enterprise Planning
  • Chapter 6: Business Objectives Specific to Scaling DevOps
  • Chapter 7: Creating a Culture of Trunk Development
  • Chapter 8: Ensuring a Solid Foundation
  • Chapter 9: Continuous Delivery
  • Chapter 10: Designing the Deployment Pipeline
  • Chapter 11: Improving Stability Over Time
  • Chapter 12: Getting Started


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