Managing Abundance: The Ethics Paradigm
- 2h 42m
- Pradeep Nevatia, Rahul Nevatia
- Business Expert Press
- 2020
India’s rural BPO guru Pradeep Nevatia joins with New York-based hedge fund investor Rahul Nevatia to present the until-now abstract concept of abundance through an innovative managing by ethics (MBE) framework that uncompromisingly connects individual self to collective self in self-sustained abundance beyond the hocus-pocus of scarcity. As against the card-carrying management by objectives (MBO), the pioneering MBE paradigm sets human–nature co-existence as the basis to realize abundance, the source energy of all beings.
The ethics–abundance theme of this book could not be timelier for businesses to reconstruct their growth strategies for a sustainable future following the coronavirus pandemic. The industrial and financial engineering duo has leveraged their respective business turnaround and foot-on-the-gas-pedal backgrounds to thoroughly revamp the contemporary policy–goal deployment methodologies and make determined amendments to reconfigure several management processes in vogue to deliver sustainable business results in a meaningfully restructured leadership–fellowship relationship dynamic replacing the scarcity-driven everyday mill with natural rhythms of abundance.
In this Book
Man in Human: The Scarcity in Abundance
Abundance: The Ethics Paradigm
Speed Versus Constancy: The Scarcity and Abundance Interplay
Competition Versus Collaboration
Ethics and Value Sensitization
Metric for Growth Versus Framework for Longevity
Motivating Exclusivity Versus Inspiring Inclusivity
Quality Control Versus Quality Dharma
Productivity Management Versus Productivity Karma
The Hundred-Year Organization