Mastering CSS3

  • 1h 57m
  • Smashing Magazine
  • Smashing Magazine
  • 2012

New possible uses of CSS appear every day, and you shouldn’t miss any of them. This book Mastering CSS3 features recent CSS3 techniques, a detailed overview of advanced CSS3 pseudo-classes, CSS3 Flexbox, CSS animations and 3D transforms and modern techniques for constructing page layouts, among others.

Can you really replace Photoshop with visual CSS3 techniques? Does CSS3 actually improve the speed of development and maintenance? What about common considerations for older browsers? You can be sure to gain insights from case-studies presented in this book.

In this Book

  • CSS3 vs. CSS—A Speed Benchmark
  • Why We Should Start Using CSS3 and HTML5 Today
  • Connecting the Dots with CSS3
  • An Introduction to CSS3 Keyframe Animations
  • The New Hotness—Using CSS3 Visual Effects
  • Adventures in the Third Dimension—CSS 3D Transforms
  • How to Use CSS3 Pseudo-Classes
  • CSS3 Flexible Box Layout Explained
  • The Guide to CSS Animation—Principles and Examples
  • Beercamp—An Experiment with CSS 3D
  • Using CSS3—Older Browsers and Common Considerations