Mastering Software Quality Assurance: Best Practices, Tools and Techniques for Software Developers

  • 5h 29m
  • Murali Chemuturi
  • J. Ross Publishing
  • 2011

This comprehensive reference on software development quality assurance addresses all four dimensions of quality: specifications, design, construction and conformance. It focuses on quality from both the micro and macro viewpoint. From a micro view, it details the aspect of building-in quality at the component level to help ensure that the overall deliverable has ingrained quality. From a macro view, it addresses the organizational-level activities that provide an environment conducive to fostering quality in the deliverables as well as developing a culture focused on quality in the organization. Mastering Software Quality Assurance also explores a process driven approach to quality and provides the information and guidance needed for implementing a process quality model in your organization. It includes best practices and valuable tools and techniques for software developers.

Key Features:

  • Covers every aspect of software quality assurance, quality control, and the measurement of software quality, and includes best practices, valuable tools and techniques for software developers
  • Tackles the quality of specifications, design, construction and conformance as applicable to software development organizations from both the micro and macro view
  • Offers unique insights into achieving quality at the component level and explores process quality from the standpoint of implementation rather than from the appraiser/assessor point of view
  • Provides a strategic view of the ISO and CMMI models and describes necessary steps for attaining conformance to those models

About the Author

Murali Chemuturi is an information technology and software development subject matter expert, hands-on programmer, author, consultant and trainer. He has more than 25 years of information technology and software development experience and several years of academic experience teaching a variety of computer & IT courses. In 2001, he formed his own IT consulting, training and software development firm known as Chemuturi Consultants. Mr. Chemuturi’s undergraduate degrees and diplomas are in Electrical and Industrial Engineering and he holds an MBA and a Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Methods & Programming. He is a published author in professional journals, a member of IEEE, a senior member of the Computer Society of India and a Fellow at the Indian Institute of Industrial Engineering. His first book, Software Estimation Best Practices, Tools, & Techniques is fast becoming a best seller.

In this Book

  • Foreword
  • Quality Assurance Basics
  • Four Dimensions of Quality
  • Software Product Quality
  • Organizational Environment That Fosters a Quality Culture
  • Software Verification
  • Validation
  • Software Product Quality—Reliability
  • Process Quality
  • New Paradigm for Software Quality


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