micro:bit Projects with Python and Single Board Computers: Building STEAM Projects with Code Club and Kids' Maker Groups

  • 4h 15m
  • Martin Tan
  • Apress
  • 2023

Build different components of larger systems using class sets of micro:bits with Python in a truly collaborative way. First you’ll explore ways to harness the capabilities of the humble micro:bit and learn to creatively overcome some of its limitations; learning practical text-based programming along the way. We’ll then move on to building projects that allow multiple micro:bits, and other microcontroller boards and parts like the Raspberry Pi, to communicate with one another, and coordinate their operations to build larger systems.

Rather than just being a guide to learning these skills, this book will include tips and stories about implementing the these ideas in classrooms, Code Clubs, and Maker environments. Practical logistics for preparation and easy set-up, as well as, acceptance criteria and accountability for students and participants is included. These ideas were gained over years of running a Code Club and running Maker workshops and events.

You’ll learn about programming collaborative solutions and design logic. Then you’ll scale that logic up to more complex projects. By the end, you’ll have added additional electronic and physical components to projects that interact with the world. You’ll create fun inventions together, using hardware, coding, electronics, physical objects, and e-textiles.

What You Will Learn

  • Solve problems and create art by modelling solutions and ideas with a combination of Python coding, electronic systems engineering, and creative design.
  • Navigate the logistical and unique challenges that come with running your own Code Club, Makerspace, or feeding these activities into STEAM design and technology curriculums.
  • Take new Makers from simply copying and duplicating through to debugging and understanding.

Who This Book Is For

Makers and instructors interested in starting group projects while learning to code and gain other Maker skills along the way. Essential information is provided in a form that enables beginners and intermediate Makers to get hands-on quickly, but with enough depth to keep building on these projects and pushing the boundaries

About the Author

Martin Tan wrote the first Code Club Moonhack projects in Scratch and Python, used by over 10,000 kids in Australia. He has taken kids to demo robots and coding projects in parliament, delivered training to Code Club Australia, and contributes to various Maker communities online. Martin blogs on Maker topics, runs a Maker store, and works in IT security, contributing to various open source projects and community conferences. Most of his endeavors feed into his hobbies, which also include music, locksport, and various techy pursuits.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Getting Started
  • Getting Our Hands Dirty with MicroPython
  • General Python Programming
  • Getting Tactile with Python
  • Freestyling with Python: Going Off Map and Applying Skills
  • Collaboration: Working with Others
  • Electronics: Basic Skills and Tools
  • Putting It All Together
  • Appendix A: Traffic Light Workshops