Microsoft Office 2013 Advanced Essentials: OneNote 2013, Exercise Workbook

  • 30m
  • Daniel Nicholson
  • Courseware Company Ltd.
  • 2014

Our Microsoft OneNote 2013 Advanced Essentials provides you with a fully-customizable package of training materials for delivery to your employees and/or students. Everything you need to run the course is included, just add trainer!

In this Book

  • Microsoft Office 2013 Advanced Essentials—OneNote 2013, Exercise Workbook
  • Handwriting Text
  • Drawing Shapes, Part One
  • Drawing Shapes, Part Two
  • Advanced Picture Tasks
  • Customizing Pages, Part One
  • Customizing Pages, Part Two
  • Using Page Templates
  • Working with Sections and Section Groups
  • Syncing Your Notebook
  • Managing Notebook Properties
  • Managing OneNote Files
  • Backing Up OneNote Files