Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Programming for the Absolute Beginner

  • 4h 58m
  • Jonathan S. Harbour
  • Cengage Course PTR
  • 2002

If you are new to programming with Visual Basic .NET or upgrading from Visual Basic 6.0 and are looking for a solid introduction, this is the book for you. Developed by computer science instructors, books in the For the Absolute Beginner series teach the principles of programming through simple game creation. You will also acquire the skills that you need for more practical Visual Basic .NET programming applications and will learn how these skills can be put to use in real world scenarios. Best of all, by the time you finish this book you will be able to apply the basic principles you’ve learned to the next programming language you tackle.

With the instructions in this book, you’ll learn to:

  • Master the Visual Studio .NET environment
  • Learn the Visual Basic .NET language
  • Write object-oriented programs with visual inheritance
  • Program graphics with the .NET Framework class library
  • Create main menus and context pop-up menus

About the Author

Jonathan S. Harbour’s fascination began in 1979 with a Commodore PET. He has been programming for 15 years and graduated with a degree in computer information systems from DeVry Institute of Technology. Jonathan has since worked on information systems for companies in many fields, including aerospace, healthcare, and education. Currently, he is employed with Value-Options in Phoenix, Arizona.

In this Book

  • Getting Started with Visual Basic .NET
  • Overview of Visual Studio .NET
  • The Basics of a Graphical User Interface
  • Forms and Toolbox Controls
  • Variables and Data Types
  • Branching Statements and Program Logic
  • Number Crunching: Mathematical and Relational Operators
  • Loops, Arrays, and Structures
  • The Basics of Object-Oriented Programming
  • Understanding and Using Classes
  • Namespaces and Visual Inheritance
  • Graphics Programming
  • Using Program Menus
  • Sequential and Random-Access Files
  • Structured Error Handling and Debugging