MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Employee Emotions Aren't Noise - They're Data

  • 5m
  • Sigal Barsade
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2019

Emotions provide insight into what motivates people and how to improve performance.

Although many companies display heightened concern for the well-being of their employees, not everyone is convinced that efforts to create and maintain a positive workplace actually pay off. However, to Sigal Barsade, the evidence is clear: Companies that want more satisfied employees and stronger performance need to invest in understanding what motivates people in their work lives and pay attention to the emotional side of organizational culture.

Emotions influence not just employee wellness and engagement, but also business outcomes such as productivity and profitability.

About the Author

Frieda Klotz (@friedaklotz) is a freelance journalist and correspondent for MIT Sloan Management Review.

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In this Book

  • MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Employee Emotions Aren’t Noise — They’re Data