MIT Sloan Management Review Article on How Digital Twins Are Reinventing Innovation

  • 6m
  • Mark Purdy, Ray Eitel-Porter, Robert Krüger, Thijs Deblaere
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2020

From faster and cheaper drug trials to fully “conscious” cities, digital replicas are changing the face and pace of innovation.

Last year the world held its breath as Notre Dame Cathedral stood shrouded in flames.

After the fire was extinguished, and it was revealed that the iconic cathedral was not lost, the hard work of restoration began. Until very recently, that process would have begun with a search through dusty archival blueprints to guide the intricate repair works. But in the age of the digital twin, engineers and architects were able to consult a digital model of the French cathedral — one far more detailed and interactive than any blueprint — which allowed them to stay true to the original structure while also incorporating new innovations in design and materials.

About the Author

Mark Purdy is a managing director with Accenture Research. Ray Eitel-Porter is head of applied intelligence at Accenture UK. Robert Krüger is global lead of Accenture’s Engineering X.0 practice. Thijs Deblaere is a senior analyst with Accenture Research.

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In this Book

  • MIT Sloan Management Review Article on How Digital Twins Are Reinventing Innovation