MIT Sloan Management Review Article on How Office Seating Arrangements Can Boost the Bottom Line

  • 3m
  • David Siegel
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2017

One CEO believes where people sit is key to a company’s success.

I have translated my belief in the importance of location — and the people in it — to my professional life as well, first while working in human resources and now as CEO of Investopedia. Specifically, I take a personal interest in seating arrangements. I believe that where people sit has a major impact on managerial and team effectiveness. It influences personal friendships, which lead to business relationships; builds stronger team behavior through collaboration; improves employee retention; and ultimately results in smarter decision-making.

About the Author

David Siegel is the CEO of Investopedia, the world’s largest finance and investing website. He can be reached at

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In this Book

  • MIT Sloan Management Review Article on How Office Seating Arrangements Can Boost the Bottom Line