MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Marketing Beyond the Gender Binary
- 4m
- Dipanjan Chatterjee, Nick Monroe
- MIT Sloan Management Review
- 2020
The winds of change are at our doorstep: According to an Ipsos study in 2019, 34% of all Americans disagreed with the statement that “there are only two genders — male and female — and not a range of gender identities.” Around the world, in 35 countries, 40% disagreed with that binary perspective. Younger consumers are at the vanguard of ushering in change: According to Pew Research, almost 60% of those aged 13 to 21 (“Gen Z”) believe forms that ask about gender should include options besides “male” or “female.”
About the Author
Dipanjan Chatterjee is a vice president and principal analyst at Forrester Research, where he heads the brand strategy research practice. Nick Monroe is a researcher at Forrester and a doctoral candidate in sociology at Brandeis University.
In this Book
MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Marketing Beyond the Gender Binary