Perl One-Liners: 130 Programs That Get Things Done

  • 1h 44m
  • Peteris Krumins
  • No Starch Press
  • 2014

Part of the fun of programming in Perl lies in tackling tedious tasks with short, efficient, and reusable code. Often, the perfect tool is the one-liner, a small but powerful program that fits in one line of code and does one thing really well.

In Perl One-Liners, author and impatient hacker Peteris Krumins takes you through more than 100 compelling one-liners that do all sorts of handy things, such as manipulate line spacing, tally column values in a table, and get a list of users on a system. This cookbook of useful, customizable, and fun scripts will even help hone your Perl coding skills, as Krumins dissects the code to give you a deeper understanding of the language.

You'll find one-liners that:

  • Encode, decode, and convert strings
  • Generate random passwords
  • Calculate sums, factorials, and the mathematical constants ð and e
  • Add or remove spaces
  • Number lines in a file
  • Print lines that match a specific pattern
  • Check to see if a number is prime with a regular expression
  • Convert IP address to decimal form
  • Replace one string with another

And many more! Save time and sharpen you coding skills as you learn to conquer those pesky tasks in a few precisely placed keystrokes with Perl One-Liners.

About the Author

Peteris Krumins is a programmer, systems administrator, start-up manager, and all-around hacker. He is the cofounder of Browserling and Testling, and he runs the popular programming blog

In this Book

  • Perl One-Liners—130 Programs That Get Things Done
  • Introduction to Perl One-Liners
  • Spacing
  • Numbering
  • Calculations
  • Working With Arrays and Strings
  • Text Conversion and Substitution
  • Selectively Printing and Deleting Lines
  • Useful Regular Expressions