PROC SQL: Beyond the Basics Using SAS, Second Edition

  • 4h 31m
  • Kirk Paul Lafler
  • SAS Institute
  • 2013

Kirk Lafler's PROC SQL: Beyond the Basics Using SAS, Second Edition, offers a step-by-step example-driven guide that helps readers master the language of PROC SQL. Packed with analysis and examples illustrating an assortment of PROC SQL options, statements, and clauses, this book can be approached in a number of ways. Users can read it cover-to-cover or selectively by chapter; they can use the extensive index to find content of interest or refer to the helpful "Summary" that precede each chapter to look for help on a specific topic.

The second edition explores new and powerful features in SAS 9.3, and includes such topics as adding data to a table with a SET clause; bulk loading data from Microsoft Excel; distinguishing between DATA step merges and PROC SQL joins; rules for designing indexes; cardinality and index selectivity; and demystifying join algorithms. It also features an expanded discussion of CASE expressions, and new sections on complex query applications, and grouping and performance. Delving into the workings of PROC SQL with greater analysis and discussion, PROC SQL: Beyond the Basic Using SAS, Second Edition, examines a broad range of topics and provides greater detail about this powerful database language using discussion and numerous real-world examples.

About the Author

Kirk Paul Lafler is consultant and founder of Software Intelligence Corporation and has been using SAS since 1979. He is a SAS Certified Professional, provider of IT consulting services, trainer to SAS users around the world, and Advisory Board emeritus member. The author of 5 books, Kirk has written more than 500 papers and articles, been an invited speaker and trainer at 400-plus SAS users group conferences and meetings, and is the recipient of nearly two dozen "Best" contributed paper, hands-on workshop (HOW), and poster awards. For more than three decades he has supported the SAS users community by chairing the Southern California SAS Users Group (SoCalSUG), starting and chairing the San Diego SAS Users Group (SANDS), chairing and co-chairing academic sections at in-house, local, regional, and SAS Global Forum conferences, mentoring users, and contributing his popular SAS Tips column, "Kirk's Korner of Quick and Simple Tips," which appears regularly in several SAS Users Group newsletters and websites.

In this Book

  • Designing Database Tables
  • Working with Data in PROC SQL
  • Formatting Output
  • Coding PROC SQL Logic
  • Creating, Populating, and Deleting Tables
  • Modifying and Updating Tables and Indexes
  • Coding Complex Queries
  • Working with Views
  • Troubleshooting and Debugging
  • Tuning for Performance and Efficiency


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