Project Management for Business and Engineering: Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition

  • 13h 15m
  • John M. Nicholas
  • Taylor and Francis
  • 2004

Project Management for Business and Engineering is a direct response to the ever-increasing need for better project management. This book encompasses the full range of project management - everything from origins, philosophy, and methodology to actual applications. Nicholas describes concepts and techniques such as project initiation and proposals, scope and task definition, scheduling, budgeting, risk analysis, control, project organization, and the often overlooked "people" side - project leadership, team building, conflict, and stress management.

The Systems Development Cycle is used as a framework to discuss project management in a variety of situations, making this book useful for managing virtually any kind of project, program, or task force. Over 230 figures and tables, 60 short examples and illustrative cases, and end-of-chapter summaries, review problems, questions, and case studies are included.

The author draws upon his experience with projects in information technology, systems analysis, aerospace engineering, human resource development, and over a decade of teaching project management as a university professor.

About the Author

John Nicholas is professor of information systems and operations management, and former associate dean of the Graduate School of Business, Loyola University Chicago. He is an active teacher, writer, and researcher in project management and manufacturing management, and has written extensively about performance issues of teams working in confined, hazardous, stressful environments. He conducts executive seminars and has been a consultant on project management and process improvement.

John is the author of numerous academic and technical publications, including two textbooks, Managing Business and Engineering Projects (1990) and Competitive Manufacturing Management (1998). He has held the positions of engineer and team leader on aircraft development projects at Lockheed-Martin Corporation, business systems analyst on bank operations at BankAmerica, and research associate on energy-environmental research projects at Argonne National Laboratory. He has a B.S. in aeronautical and astronautical engineering and an M.B.A. in operations research from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and a Ph.D. in industrial engineering and applied behavioral science from Northwestern University.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • What Is Project Management?
  • Systems, Organizations, and System Methodologies
  • Systems Development Cycle—Early Stages
  • Systems Development Cycle—Middle and Later Stages
  • Planning Fundamentals
  • Network Scheduling and PDM
  • PERT, CPM, Resource Allocation, and GERT
  • Cost Estimating and Budgeting
  • Managing Risks in Projects
  • Project Control
  • Project Management Information Systems
  • Project Evaluation, Reporting, and Termination
  • Project Organization Structure and Integration
  • Project Roles, Responsibility, and Authority
  • Managing Participation, Teamwork, and Conflict
  • Project Failure, Success, and Lessons Learned