Resilient Thinking: Protecting Organisations in the 21st Century, Second Edition

  • 5h 51m
  • Phillip Wood
  • IT Governance
  • 2023

Resilient Thinking – Protecting Organisations in the 21st Century, Second edition

Since the release of the first edition in 2012, a lot has changed in the world of risk and organisational resilience. Global conflict, political realignments, environmental disruptions, pandemics and disease outbreaks and cyber attacks are a plethora of threats that have and will continue to endanger the stability of the world. Alongside these risks and issues, technological and societal change is ushering in a new age of opportunity and progress.

What can organisations and individuals do to prepare for an unexpected future?

To prepare for the unexpected future, organisations need to be resilient, and this requires:

  • Understanding the current, emerging and future environments and contexts;
  • People who are knowledgeable, confident and capable in building and maintaining resilience in the organisation and themselves; and
  • A sensible approach to the use of guidance, frameworks and initiative.

Phil Wood’s much expanded and updated second edition explores, develops and enhances the concepts discussed in his previous book in granular detail, analysing our understanding of where we have been, where we are now, and where we should be going to develop resilient organisations.

Understand how organisations think, plan and deliver on the resilience ‘mission’ and how they should adapt when challenges arise

As the title suggests, Wood argues that all employees need to adopt ‘resilient thinking’ in order for their organisation to survive unprecedented circumstances.

This book will help you to:

  • Optimise profitability by making decisions based on thought, analysis and understanding ourselves, our organisations and our environment;
  • Recognise potential risks to your organisation;
  • Understand the drawbacks of 'silo' operations and maintain the organisational resilience capability through effective people;
  • Think about plans which are cost-effective, relevant, workable and which will maintain organisational viability and competitive edge; and
  • Develop your capability, capacity and a questioning, thinking mindset to match the fast moving and developing world around you.

Revolutionise your approach to resilience, buy this book today!

About the Author

Phil Wood, MBE, is a resilience consultant and Academic Director for Frontier Risks Group, which is well known as a leading security and risk management training company in the United Kingdom. Formerly, he was Head of the School of Aviation and Security at Buckinghamshire New University in the United Kingdom. Prior to his academic career, Phil was a commissioned officer in the Royal Air Force, focusing on security, threat protection and operational management, and deputy director of training for an internationally recognised corporate security training company.

Phil has developed and delivered resilience consultancy, higher education and training globally. He has worked in Nigeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Dubai, Kenya, Greece and Oman in the delivery of security, resilience and business continuity education and consultancy. He is a member of the Register of Chartered Security Professionals, an Honorary Member of the Business Continuity Institute, and a Technical Specialist Member of the Institute of Risk Management.

In this Book

  • Introduction to the Second Edition
  • A World of Difficulty
  • Looking to Our Future
  • Organisational Resilience – Principles and Ideas
  • The Spaghetti Bowl of Resilience
  • Crisis
  • Organisational Behaviour Influences
  • Breaking Free from Conventional Thought
  • Problems and Responses
  • Conclusions
  • Further Reading