Rx.NET in Action

  • 4h 53m
  • Gwynne Richards, Tamir Dresher
  • Manning Publications
  • 2017


Rx.NET in Action teaches developers how to build event-driven applications using the Reactive Extensions (Rx) library.

About the Technology

Modern applications must react to streams of data such as user and system events, internal messages, and sensor input. Reactive Extensions (Rx) is a .NET library containing more than 600 operators that you can compose together to build reactive client- and server-side applications to handle events asynchronously in a way that maximizes responsiveness, resiliency, and elasticity.

About the Book

Rx.NET in Action teaches developers how to build event-driven applications using the Rx library. Starting with an overview of the design and architecture of Rx-based reactive applications, you'll get hands-on with in-depth code examples to discover firsthand how to exploit the rich query capabilities that Rx provides and the Rx concurrency model that allows you to control both the asynchronicity of your code and the processing of event handlers. You'll also learn about consuming event streams, using schedulers to manage time, and working with Rx operators to filter, transform, and group events.

What's Inside

  • Introduction to Rx in C#
  • Creating and consuming streams of data and events
  • Building complex queries on event streams
  • Error handling and testing Rx code

About the Reader

Readers should understand OOP concepts and be comfortable coding in C#.

About the Author

Tamir Dresher is a senior software architect at CodeValue and a prominent member of Israel's Microsoft programming community.

In this Book

  • Foreword
  • About This Book
  • About the Cover Illustration
  • Reactive Programming
  • Hello, Rx
  • Functional thinking in C#
  • Creating Observable Sequences
  • Creating Observables from .NET Asynchronous Types
  • Controlling the observer-observable relationship
  • Controlling the Observable Temperature
  • Working with Basic Query Operators
  • Partitioning and combining observables
  • Working with Rx concurrency and synchronization
  • Error Handling and Recovery
  • Catalog of Rx Operators


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