SolidWorks 2010: No Experience Required

  • 8h 22m
  • Alex R. Ruiz, Gabi Jack
  • Sybex
  • 2010

SolidWorks 2010: No Experience Required is the perfect hands-on, step-by-step introduction to this very popular 3D CAD software. Through a continuous, easy-to-follow tutorial, you'll learn SolidWorks by planning and developing a desk lamp, from modeling to drawing to creating the Bill of Materials. Either way, you'll get a thorough grounding in SolidWorks and see real progress as you quickly master tasks and create a final, presentation-worthy rendering of your design.

  • Create your first part, the lamp base, and use Instant3D to improve productivity
  • Add dimensions, tolerances, and a detailed view—and produce your first drawing
  • See how to create a revolved part with threading as you make the lamp's shaft
  • Model a plastic washer and learn how to create an assembly from a part
  • Examine Bills of Materials (BOMs), build one, and add item balloons
  • Design a lampshade, add components from the Design Library, and create an exploded view
  • Put it all together and produce a top-level assembly drawing
  • Apply materials and environment and create a stunning rendering
  • Create 2D drawings that tell the whole story
  • Make stunning photo-realistic renderings of your designs
  • Build excellent real-world assemblies

About the Authors

Alex R. Ruiz is a Certified SolidWorks Professional and engineering manager for a leading medical device manufacturer. He designs new products and trains and supports over 100 SolidWorks users. Alex has close ties to the SolidWorks development team and is very well known in the SolidWorks community as "the SolidWorks geek," which is the name of his blog (

Gabi Jack is a Certified SolidWorks Professional and mechanical engineer who maintains a popular blog about solid modeling, design, and engineering (

In this Book

  • Becoming Familiar with SolidWorks
  • Learning the Basics
  • Creating Your First Part
  • Creating Your First Drawing
  • Creating a Revolved Part
  • Creating a Subassembly
  • Creating a Simple Assembly Drawing
  • Creating a More Complex Part Model
  • Modeling Parts Within an Assembly
  • Making Modifications
  • Putting It All Together: Part 1
  • Putting It All Together: Part 2
  • Making the Top-Level Assembly Drawing
  • Sharing Your Documents with Others
  • Creating Your Own Templates: Part 1
  • Creating Your Own Templates: Part 2
  • Creating Simple, Stunning Renderings