Strategic Brand Engagement: Using HR and Marketing to Connect Your Brand, Customers, Channel Partners and Employees

  • 4h 2m
  • John G. Fisher
  • Kogan Page
  • 2014

Recent research by trade organization Enterprise Engagement Alliance found that “employee engagement” has overtaken phrases such as staff incentives and employee motivation for the first time after investigating business terms used via Google Analytics.

The consumer brand of any organization is crucial to its long term business success. Just as important is the employer brand of the organization, vital to attracting talent and retaining an engaged workforce. But despite the connection between internal and external brand engagement, both areas remain firmly entrenched in the traditional silos of HR and marketing, wasting resources and even contradicting each other in the pursuit of a common goal.

Strategic Brand Engagement breaks down the traditional silos between HR, internal communications and marketing, offering a new approach for developing brand and employee engagement. Combining the best of these disciplines to create a strategic framework, it provides advice on how to develop organizational values in line with corporate branding, align key HR responsibilities such as recruitment and performance with the overall brand, develop a consistent communications strategy and measuring the impact of these strategies.

About the Author

John G Fisher is CEO of FMI Group, a brand engagement consulting firm. He has over 30 years' experience in marketing communications, incentives and performance improvement programs, specializing in the financial services sector. He is also the author of How to Run Successful Employee Incentive Schemes (Kogan Page).

In this Book

  • What is Strategic Brand Engagement?
  • Why Engagement Matters
  • What is a Brand?
  • Who are You and Who Do You Want to Be?
  • Leading Brand Engagement
  • Measuring Strategic Brand Engagement
  • Marketing Brand Engagement Internally
  • Ambassadorship and Advocacy: Taking the Employer Brand into the Channel
  • Engaging Through Experiences
  • Engagement and Social Networking
  • Rewards, Recognition and Respect
  • Recruitment and the Employer Brand
  • Dealing with Disengagement
  • The Future of Strategic Brand Engagement