The Handbook of International Trade and Finance: The Complete Guide for International Sales, Finance, Shipping and Administration, Third Edition

  • 4h 26m
  • Anders Grath
  • Kogan Page
  • 2014

Intended for use by the exporter involved in international sales, finance, shipping and administration, or for those studying for academic or professional qualifications in international trade, The Handbook of International Trade and Finance provides a full explanation of the key finance areas of international trade – including risk management, international payments and currency management. At the same time, it provides the essential information necessary to help reduce risks and improve cash flow, identify the most competitive finance alternatives, structure the best payment terms, and minimize finance and transaction costs.

This third edition includes revised and updated information on trade risks and risk assessment, methods of payment, bonds, guarantees and standby letters of credit, currency risk management, export credit insurance, trade finance, structured trade finance, terms of payment.

The book also describes the negotiating process from the perspectives of both the buyer and the seller – providing valuable insight into the complete financing process. The Handbook of International Trade and Finance is a complete and thorough assessment of all the issues involved in constructing, financing, managing and completing a cross-border transaction.

About the Author

Anders Grath has over 25 years' experience in international trade and finance within major European financial institutions, as head of both international departments and corporate units. For many years he has been a consultant to banks and trade councils across Europe. He is also the author of a series of titles on individual country markets within Europe.

In this Book

  • Trade Risks and Risk Assessment
  • Methods of Payment
  • Bonds, Guarantees and Standby Letters of Credit
  • Currency Risk Management
  • Export Credit Insurance
  • Trade Finance
  • Structured Trade Finance
  • Terms of Payment