The Presentations Pocketbook

  • 33m
  • John Townsend
  • Management Pocketbooks
  • 2009

This edition of The Presentations Pocketbook, published October 2009, is packed full of tips and techniques for planning, structuring and delivering a polished presentation. A good starting point for the inexperienced and a quickly assimilated refresher course for the more experienced, this title is consistently among the best sellers in the Pocketbook Series. The content covers overcoming nerves, handling audience questions, and making the message memorable with visual, hearing and feeling (VHF) support. An intriguing and entertaining short story at the end of the book, what the author terms a ‘presentations parable’, reinforces the key learning points. There is too a practical presentations checklist and lots of visual content to enhance the learning experience. Author John Townsend is a polished speaker with a life-time of experience in leading training courses and presenting at conferences and events worldwide.

About the Author

John has built a reputation internationally as a leading trainer of trainers. He is the founder of the highly-regarded Master Trainer Institute, a total learning facility located just outside Geneva which draws trainers and facilitators from around the world. He set up the Institute after 30 years’ experience in international consulting and human resource management positions in the UK, France, the United States and Switzerland.

From 1978–1984 he was European Director of Executive Development with GTE in Geneva with training responsibility for over 800 managers in some 15 countries. John has published a number of management and professional guides and regularly contributes articles to leading management and training journals.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Preparing Your Presentation—How to Decide on Your Message
  • Structuring Your Presentation—How to Package Your Message
  • Making Your Presentation—How to Get Your Message Across and Feel at Ease in Front of an Audience
  • Supporting Your Presentation—How to Use Visual, Hearing and Feeling Support
  • The Story of Max—A Presentations Parable
  • Presentation Checklist