The Psychology of Human Leadership: How to Develop Charisma and Authority

  • 5h 37m
  • Erich Dihsmaier, Michael Paschen
  • Springer
  • 2014

The book seamlessly links fundamental insights and practical approaches to address the most important leadership problems and challenges. Each of the 11 chapters takes a close look at a specific leadership aspect and explains how to develop personal leadership qualities, such as charisma, the ability to motivate others, assertiveness, and how to overcome crises and conflicts to create new structures. Ethical questions and possible negative developments in connection with leadership and power are also examined. Unlike conventional leadership manuals, this book on leadership goes beyond the standard 'recipes' and models by providing clear trains of thought as well as a psychological and philosophical basis, and by focusing on major achievements in terms of leadership, it creates a more profound understanding and holistic view of the subject of leadership, while promoting a genuine fascination for it.

In this Book

  • The Philosophy of Leadership: Directing and Being Directed
  • Leadership, Personality, and Charisma:How to Generate Leadership StrengthThrough Confidence and Trust
  • Leadership, Psychology, and Knowledge of Human Nature: How to Generate Leadership Strength Through Motivation, Persuasion, and Assertion
  • Leadership, Threats, and Change: How to Generate Leadership Strength by Understanding Problems and Crises
  • Leadership, Challenge, and Perspective: How to Generate Leadership Strength Using Stimulating and Enticing Goals
  • Leadership, Culture, and Custom: How to Generate Leadership Strength by Creating Structures
  • Leadership, the Group, and Dynamics: How to Generate Leadership Strength in Conflict Situations
  • Leadership, Influence, and Communication: How to Generate Leadership Strength Through Sensitive and Clear Interaction
  • Leadership, Power, and Dominance: How to Gain Power and Use It Maturely and Constructively
  • Leadership, Disorders, and Problems of the Powerful: The Abnormal Psychological Developments to Which Managers Are Especially Susceptible
  • Leadership, Success, and Morality: How to Make the Right Decision in Ethical Dilemmas


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