The Seven Laws of Learning: Why Great Leaders are Also Great Teachers

  • 3h
  • Gerreld L. Pulsipher, Hyrum W. Smith, Richard L. Godfrey
  • G&D Media
  • 2010

Become a great leader like Christ, Confucius, Winston Churchill, and other extraordinary leaders. Teach new ideas in ways that both engage people and persuade them to use their agency to bring about personal and global change. By using storytelling, metaphor, and other teaching styles that motivate and inspire, you'll soon be effectively communicating and leading in every situation.

In this Book

  • Prologue—Presentation to the Rising Sun
  • Premise—The Storyteller
  • Promise—How Effective Leaders Produce Change
  • Principles—The Natural Way We All Learn
  • We were All Born to Learn
  • You Never Know When Learning Will Occur
  • We Learn by Connecting
  • We All Learn Differently
  • Connections Come Through Storytelling
  • Learning is Both an Emotional and Intellectual Experience
  • Learning Can Change Lives
  • Epilogue—Transferring Knowledge to Succeeding Generations
  • Selected Bibliography