The Silver Lining of Project Uncertainties

  • 1h 28m
  • Barbara Edington, Thomas G. Lechler, Ting Gao Stevens
  • Project Management Institute
  • 2013

This eye-opening new work is presenting nothing less than a new project management paradigm, one which understands that not only are uncertainties conceptually different from risks, they are associated with opportunities that have the potential to generate profits and benefits.

These game-changing results emerge from more than two years of inquiry, which found the researchers interviewing project managers and scrutinizing documentation for projects in a wide range of areas, including business & organizational change, construction, information systems, product and service development and R&D.

Careful analysis revealed that there were four distinct types of opportunities and six classes of uncertainties visible across this diverse body of projects. They also discovered that the Project Manager was the greatest source for identifying and exploiting opportunities... and for misperceiving them as well.

The Silver Lining of Project Uncertainties provides readers with a critical foundation for how to differentiate the management of project risks and uncertainties, how to differentiate project success from project value and how to clearly identify the key elements of project risk, uncertainty and value opportunity.

In this Book

  • The Silver Lining of Project Uncertainties
  • Introduction
  • Conceptual Foundation for the Case Study Approach
  • Research Methodology
  • Case Study Results
  • Implications for Project Management Research
  • Implications for Project Management Education
  • Implications for Project Management Practice
  • Limitations and Outlook
  • References
  • Appendix—Initial Interview Protocol