VBA For Dummies, 5th Edition
- 7h 48m
- John Paul Mueller
- John Wiley & Sons (US)
- 2007
VBA helps you put your computer in its place
Write programs that automate tasks and make Office 2007 work better for you
If your computer is becoming your boss instead of your servant, start using VBA to tell it what to do! Here's the latest on the VBA IDE and program containers, debugging and controlling your programs, working with multiple applications using a single program, and the most exciting stuff -- programming for all the Office 2007 applications.
Discover how to
- Customize an application's interface
- Quick-launch a VBA program
- Store and modify information
- Use VBA with the Ribbon
- Understand object-oriented programming
- Avoid runtime errors
About the Author
John Mueller is a freelance author and technical editor. He has writing in his blood, having produced 71 books and over 300 articles to date. The topics range from networking to artificial intelligence and from database management to heads-down programming. Some of his current books include a Windows power optimization book, a book on .NET security, and books on Amazon Web Services, Google Web Services, and eBay Web Services. His technical editing skills have helped more than 50 authors refine the content of their manuscripts. John has provided technical editing services to both Data Based Advisor and Coast Compute magazines. He has also contributed articles to magazines like DevSource, InformIT, Informant, DevX, SQL Server Professional, Visual C++ Developer, Hardcore Visual Basic, asp.netPRO, Software Test & Performance, and Visual Basic Developer.
In this Book
Getting to Know VBA
Your First VBA Program
Writing Structured VBA Programs
Storing and Modifying Information
Creating Structured Programs
Trapping Errors and Squashing Bugs
Interacting with the User
Object-Oriented Programming
Working with Arrays and Collections
Working with Disk Files
VBA Programming with XML
VBA Programming in Office
VBA Programming in Word
VBA Programming in Excel
VBA Programming in Access
Applications that Work Together
Ten Kinds of VBA Resources
Ten Ways to Update Your Old VBA Code Quickly
VBA Programming in FrontPage
VBA Programming in Visio
Ten Really Cool Things You Can Do with VBA