Winning Through Innovation: A Practical Guide to Leading Organizational Change and Renewal
- 4h 7m
- Charles A. O'Reilly III, Michael L. Tushman
- Harvard Business Press
- 2002
Winning Through Innovation reveals why short-term corporate success often increases the chances of long-term failure. To avoid this success syndrome, managers must learn to sustain incremental change while simultaneously leading revolutionary change. Great managers, say Tushman and O’Reilly, are architects, network builders, and jugglers. They understand how to employ these roles to foster a culture that celebrates stability and change in order to ensure success tomorrow.
Unlike other books on innovation, this is the first to provide systematic, integrated tools and tangible steps that you can begin using today to gain rich practical insights or managing innovation streams and evolutionary and revolutionary change in your own organization.
About the Authors
Michael L. Tushman is the Paul A. Lwawrence MBA Class of 1942 Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School.
Charles A. O’Reilly III is a professor of human resource management and organizational behavior at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business.
In this Book
Winning Through Innovation—A Practical Guide to Leading Organizational Change and Renewal
The Tyranny of Success
Ambidextrous Organizations: Leading Evolutionary and Revolutionary Change
Defining Problems and Opportunities: A Foundation for Success
Managerial Problem Solving: A Congruence Approach
Leveraging Culture for Innovation and Competitive Advantage
Shaping Organizational Culture
Managing Innovation Streams in Ambidextrous Organizations
Implementing Strategic Change
Winning Through Innovation