XSLT For Dummies

  • 3h 48m
  • Richard Wagner
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2002

The fun and easy way to exploit Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations

With XSLT, XSL, and XPath, you can transform XML documents into HTML pages or different XML documents. With expert advice from XML pro Richard Wagner, you'll be experimenting with templates, stylesheets, and expressions in no time--and even exploring some pretty cool XSLT programming tricks.

About the Author

Richard Wagner, the former chief architect of NetObjects ScriptBuilder and the primary author of the ECMAScript Componenets standard, is currently in charge of development tools at Nombas, Inc.

In this Book

  • XSLT for Dummies
  • Introduction
  • Introducing the X-Team
  • Writing Your First XSLT Stylesheet
  • Transforming with Style (Stylesheets, That Is)
  • Templates Rule!
  • XPath Espresso
  • We Want Results!
  • Adding Programming Logic Isn’t Just for Propheads
  • Variables in XSLT: A Breed Apart
  • Tweaking the Results to Get What You Want
  • To HTML and Beyond!
  • XPath Data Types and Functions
  • Combining XSLT Stylesheets
  • “Gimme Some Space” and Other Output Issues
  • Keys and Cross-Referencing
  • Namespaces Revisited
  • Extending XSLT
  • Debugging XSLT Transformations
  • Ten Most Confusing Things About XSLT
  • Ten All-Pro XSLT Resources on the Web
  • Ten XSLT Processors Available Online
  • XSLT for Dummies Cheat Sheet


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