You're Kind of a Big Deal: Level Up by Unlocking Your Audacity

  • 4h 20m
  • Erin King
  • McGraw-Hill
  • 2021

Unlock your inner audacity and become the leader you were born to be

Women are often told that dreaming bigger and exuding confidence is the key to achieving professional success. While big dreams and confidence might get you started, they won’t fuel you throughout the marathon and over the finish line. In order to keep going through thick and thin, you need audacity.

You’re Kind of a Big Deal provides the strategies, tools, and inspiration you need to power up your potential, break free from limiting beliefs, and make your biggest dreams a reality. International keynote speaker and successful entrepreneur Erin King helps you step into the role of CEO of your own life and better execute your responses to challenging feedback from the world around you, so you can:

  • Move through any and all obstacles between you and your goals
  • Be more present, honest, and authentic in your professional and personal life
  • Increase your energy to take on the toughest challenges
  • Develop greater clarity on your place and purpose in life
  • Handle social settings and meet new people with a new sense of confidence
  • Drop the automatic negative thoughts and stay positive even in the face of adversity

You’re Kind of a Big Deal dares you to listen more closely to your intuition when it comes to pulling the trigger on big, courageous business decisions―even if those decisions might initially shock those in your orbit.

Get ready to finally break through all barriers standing between you and the goals you were born to absolutely crush because the fact is, You’re Kind of a Big Deal.

About the Author

Erin King, a global keynote speaker and three-time entrepreneur, is founder and CEO of the Socialite Agency, a social media firm specializing in live events, conferences, and trade shows.

In this Book

  • Tell You What You Want, Whatcha Really Really Want
  • Face Your Fake News Fears
  • Ghost Your Inner Good Girl
  • Become a Bad Listener
  • Feel Jealous to Find Genius
  • Dress up Your Big Deal Dreams
  • Cape up So You don't Cop Out
  • Prep for the Paradox
  • Your Party, Your Playlist