Configuration & Provisioning: Puppet 5.0 intermediate
  • 4 Courses | 3h 23m 29s
  • 1 Book | 3h 15m
  • 5 Courses | 4h 34m 56s
  • 3 Courses | 3h 43m 7s
  • 4 Courses | 4h 48m 15s
  • 3 Books | 7h 33m
  • 2 Courses | 2h 33m 32s
  • 4 Courses | 3h 52m 49s
  • 1 Book | 3h 15m
  • 5 Courses | 4h 52m 8s
  • 1 Book | 2h 46m
  • 2 Courses | 2h 13m 4s
  • 4 Courses | 3h 30m 26s
  • 2 Books | 7h 22m
  • 5 Courses | 4h 16m 35s
  • 1 Book | 2h 14m
Rating 5.0 of 1 users Rating 5.0 of 1 users (1)
Explore some of the Provisioning and Configuration management tools used in a DevOps environmnent.


Getting Started with Vagrant

  • 4m 19s
  • 3m 48s


Introduction to Automation

  • 2m 51s
  • 9m 59s


Introduction to RabbitMQ

  • 6m 3s
  • 3m 29s


Chef: Getting Started

  • 4m 1s
  • 5m 2s


Chef for DevOps: Managing Infrastructure Using Chef

  • 1m 32s
  • 11m 38s


Advanced Provisioning

  • 6m 32s
  • 4m 21s


Ansible: Ansible for DevOps Provisioning

  • 1m 29s
  • 6m 5s


Puppet for DevOps: Installing & Working with Puppet Components

  • 1m 36s
  • 5m 58s


Building the Puppet Environment

  • 6m 2s
  • 7m 49s


SaltStack for DevOps: Working with SaltStack Components

  • 1m 28s
  • 6m 37s


Getting Started with Vagrant
Mostly used by developers and system administrators, Vagrant automates the provisioning of virtual servers. Explore the core concepts of Vagrant, including alternative, and VirtualBox options.
10 videos | 41m has Assessment available Badge
Commands, Share, & VM Provisioning
Vagrant automates the provisioning of virtual servers. Discover how to use Vagrant in your organization through various commands, environment variables, sharing, security, provisioning, and automation.
16 videos | 55m available Badge
Networking, Synced Folders, & Clusters
Vagrant is closely coupled with the DevOps methodology and is mostly used by developers and system administrators to automate virtualization. Explore networking, synced folders, and clusters in Vagrant.
16 videos | 1h 4m available Badge
Boxes & Plugins
Vagrant is an important open source virtualization tool used by developers and system administrators. Explore boxes and plugins in Vagrant, including formatting, creation, and management of boxes, and the core principles of plugins.
10 videos | 41m has Assessment available Badge


Introduction to Automation
Discover what Terraform is and how it is used! Explore how to install and upgrade Terraform, as well as the different commands and syntax used.
13 videos | 1h 8m has Assessment available Badge
Explore Terraform configurations as well as the formats and how they are loaded.
14 videos | 1h 5m has Assessment available Badge
Discover how to create and modify Terraform configurations to manage infrastructure.
14 videos | 57m has Assessment available Badge
Provisioning and Modules
Terraform provisioners execute scripts for local and remote machines. Terraform modules let you group and use resources. In this course, you will see how to define provisioners. Learn about create-time provisioners, destroy-time provisioners, failed provisioners, Terraform modules, module configurations, local values in Terraform modules, and the Terraform Get command. Study how to plan and apply a Terraform configuration, and use Terraform module outputs. As a review exercise, you will define a provisioner, run a create and a destroy provisioner, configure modules, and finally, use the Get command to load modules and use module outputs.
12 videos | 38m has Assessment available Badge
Discover Terraform variables and their applications! Variables are a great way to define centrally controlled reusable values. This course explores variable configuration and parameters, as well as input and output. Among the topics explored in this course, you will learn about how to tie characters together through string variables and how to get decisive with Booleans. Then learn what input variables are and how to use them in Terraform. Next, see how to assign variables, define lists, use and assign maps, and define output variables that you can then use. As a review exercise, you will configure a variable, define a list and a map, create a map, view an output variable, and finally, assign an input variable.
12 videos | 45m has Assessment available Badge


Introduction to RabbitMQ
RabbitMQ is a message broker that is enterprise ready. It supports clustering, authentication, monitoring, and plugins. Explore these features and how they can be used to support RabbitMQ deployments.
12 videos | 1h 13m has Assessment available Badge
Message Handling & Clustering
RabbitMQ's message handling capabilities are linked to the cluster configuration. Explore the message handling capabilities of RabbitMQ and how clustering and high availability are configured.
12 videos | 1h 9m has Assessment available Badge
Configuration & Troubleshooting
RabbitMQ provides tools and plugins to monitor, debug, and troubleshoot message handling from the producer through to the consumer. discover how to configure and troubleshoot RabbitMQ queues.
12 videos | 1h 20m has Assessment available Badge


Chef: Getting Started
How does expressing Infrastructure as Code with Chef accelerate building, deploying, and managing infrastructure? Discover how to execute Chef code with the chef-client and examine the DSL for writing recipes and cookbooks.
13 videos | 1h 11m has Assessment available Badge
Server Basics
Using a Chef server can accelerate the process of deploying cookbooks while providing visibility into the state of your infrastructure. Explore Chef server policy and remotely deploying cookbooks.
13 videos | 1h 9m has Assessment available Badge
Community Cookbooks & Server Patterns
The best practices of using a Chef Server are directly related to the reusability of cookbook recipes and components. Explore the effective use of community cookbooks with a Chef server.
13 videos | 1h 11m has Assessment available Badge
Test Driven Cookbooks
The most important role of a Cookbook developer is to test a code before it enters production. Explore how to test Chef cookbooks consistently and effectively.
14 videos | 1h 16m has Assessment available Badge


Chef for DevOps: Managing Infrastructure Using Chef
Explore the implementation of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with Chef for DevOps, including core principles, benefits, and components of Chef that are involved in implementing IaC in this 11-video course. Examine features, components, and tools of Workstation and components of Cookbook, and the various types of nodes that can be managed by using Chef. Key concepts covered in this course include characteristics and importance of implementing IaC using Chef and DevOps; the essential features of Chef Workstation, the location where users interact with Chef; and the features of Cookbook, the fundamental unit that provides capability of specifying configuration and policy for distribution. Next, learn how to set up Git to create a Chef repository; how to install Chef to a server, set up a Workstation and work with the hosted Chef, and the tools of Chef Workstation; and steps involved in working with hosted Chef. Finally, study components of Chef used to implement IaC, and the types of nodes in Chef that need to be installed, depending on the existing node architecture.
11 videos | 1h 7m has Assessment available Badge
Chef for DevOps: Automate Infrastructure Using Chef Tools & Templates
Explore the concept of environment in Chef and the various attributes that can be applied for DevOps-Chef Habitat and Chef Automate. In this 14-video course, learners examine the components used to build templates in Chef, as well as to generate Chef cookbooks, install and work with Test Kitchen, and install and work with Chef Habitat Builder. Key concepts covered in this course include how to generate Chef cookbooks and configure Knife; bootstrap a node to pull and apply configuration changes; recognize the essential features of Chef Habitat and illustrate the package build flow, from automated build to package deployment; and exploring Chef templates and the components that can be used to build them. Then you will learn how to create recipes by using template files; learn the features and capabilities provided by Chef Automate for infrastructure automation and orchestration, and work with Chef Automate to facilitate infrastructure automation and orchestration. Finally, examine scenarios where Chef may not be the best candidate for configuration management and implement automated deployment of Chef Habitat packages.
14 videos | 1h 25m has Assessment available Badge


Advanced Provisioning
Vagrant is an automated virtual server provisioning tool used to create virtual environments. Learn about provisioners, such as Puppet, Vagrant Ansible, Vagrant Chef, Vagrant CFEngine, Vagrant Azure, Vagrant Salt, and DigitalOcean.
12 videos | 59m available Badge
Customization & Managing Infrastructure
Expand your Vagrant knowledge by learning about custom box creation, using Atlas and Terraform, configuring a box management pipeline, and uploading boxes. In addition, explore dynamic memory allocation and working with multiple CPUs.
13 videos | 59m available Badge
Advanced Administration
Broaden your knowledge of virtual server provisioning with Vagrant. Learn about provisioning techniques, creating Linux virtual environments, adding MySQL for database persistence, defining plugins, and push strategies.
12 videos | 55m available Badge
Configuration, Automation, & Provisioning
Learn the inner workings of Vagrant, such as creating a LAMP, using Vagrant Push, automating configuration with Puppet, and working with Packer and Docker.
13 videos | 58m available Badge


Ansible: Ansible for DevOps Provisioning
Explore the role and key phases of Ansible Automation for DevOps, including key components and configuration parameters and features of Ansible Playbook. This 12-video course shows learners how to use Ansible components to set up Ansible on-premises, in a sandbox, and in the cloud, plus how to create inventory files to enable communication with Ansible Server. Key concepts covered include: the role of Ansible in implementation of DevOps principles and key phases of Ansible automation; how to install Control Machine and Managed Nodes to set up Ansible; and how to configure Ansible Sandbox using virtualization on local machines. Next, learn to create inventory files to enable communication with Ansible Server; steps involved in setting up Ansible and powering graphical user interface (GUI) capability with AWX; and features of Ansible playbooks and important tags used in YAML to create playbooks for configuration management. Finally, learn to run Ansible playbooks on AWX server; essential configuration parameters of Ansible; and installing Control Machine and Managed Node to set up Ansible and run Ansible Playbook on Ansible AWX server.
12 videos | 1h 1m has Assessment available Badge
Ansible: Continuous Delivery and Monitoring Using Ansible Playbook and Tower
Learners can explore Ansible Tower features to help simplify configuration management in this 12-video DevOps course. Discover how to install Ansible Tower on Linux and launch it in the cloud, implement continuous delivery using Ansible Playbooks and Ansible Tower, and work with the Ansible Tower Dashboard. Key concepts in this course include how to demonstrate a case study working with Ansible Playbook to implement server configuration, deployment, and application launch; how to implement continuous delivery by using Ansible Playbook to deliver Role and Ansible Playbook; Ansible Tower features to help simplify Ansible configuration management; and how to install Ansible Tower on Linux. Then launch Ansible Tower in the cloud; set up and work with the various components of Ansible Tower dashboard; and create projects and manage jobs by using Ansible Tower. Next, observe the logging mechanism adopted by Ansible Tower; enable Logging Aggregator Services to configure the logging service in Ansible Tower; and install Ansible Tower on Linux. Finally, create a project with Ansible Tower software and learn how to create AWS EC2 instances with Ansible.
12 videos | 47m has Assessment available Badge
DevOps with Ansible: Overview
Explore the basics and features of Ansible for DevOps and its available installation methods.
10 videos | 45m has Assessment available Badge
DevOps with Ansible: Introduction to Playbooks & Testing
Explore the basics of Ansible playbooks and various ways to test Ansible.
11 videos | 1h 7m has Assessment available Badge
DevOps with Ansible: Working with Ansible Features
Explore Ansible features such as Ansible Vault, modules, plugins, filters, patters, and command line tools.
12 videos | 1h 10m has Assessment available Badge


Puppet for DevOps: Installing & Working with Puppet Components
Explore the architecture of Puppet in this 12-video course. Discover essential components of Puppet, its prominent open-source products, and its application and infrastructure management capability, along with structure and essential components of Puppet module and Puppet language. First, learners will watch a demonstration of how to install and configure Puppet agent and other components to orchestrate and manage application and infrastructure at scale and implement DevOps principle, after first ensuring that they have the right machine with the right operating system. Then you will discuss how to work with Puppet commands and the Puppet development kit to manage Puppet configuration; and create, test, and manage Puppet modules to capitalize on the infrastructure as code paradigm of DevOps. Learn about the essential open-source products provided by Puppet: Puppet Open Source, Puppet Development Kit, Bolt, Litmus, Lyra, and Wash. In the concluding exercise, you will be asked to list open-source products provided by Puppet; to install Puppet Development Kit; and to create modules by using Puppet Development Kit.
12 videos | 1h 9m has Assessment available Badge
Puppet for DevOps: Working with Puppet Bolt & Continuous Delivery for PE
Explore the concept of managing data and facts by using Hiera and Facter in this 13-video course. Learn essential characteristics and features of Puppet Bolt, the concept of jobs in Puppet, and its potential challenges as a continuous delivery tool for DevOps. Learners watch demonstrations of configuring and working with EDA software tools to manage data, and installing and configuring Puppet Bolt-an open-source tool automating manual steps with plans and tasks. Install and work with continuous delivery for Puppet Enterprise (PE) to set up, build, and configure Continuous Delivery pipelines. Then use the impact analysis tool to measure impacts of recent deployments of Puppet codes. Other key topics covered here include Puppet data management with the reusable Hiera configuration file for Puppet code; fact management with the stand-alone Facter tool that gathers complete information about the system; how to install continuous delivery for PE; and Puppet's disadvantages. The concluding exercise asks learners to list different types of facts in Puppet, install Bolt to automate manual task, and execute Bolt command and task on host.
13 videos | 1h 3m has Assessment available Badge


Building the Puppet Environment
Discover the basic concepts of automated configuration with Puppet. Explore the installation and configuration of Puppet in the cloud and advanced server configuration.
10 videos | 50m has Assessment available Badge
Configuring the Puppet Master & Puppet Agent
Most of the functionality of Puppet is contained in the Puppet master and the Puppet agent. Discover how to configure Puppet for automated server configuration.
14 videos | 1h 5m has Assessment available Badge
Configuring Puppet Environments & Managing Files
Puppet has robust file functionality and runs in multiple environments.Discover how to get Puppet to work with files and how to set up and configure multiple Puppet environments.
11 videos | 46m has Assessment available Badge
Puppet Refactoring Patterns
There are different ways to refactor Puppet configurations. Explore techniques to mitigate the risk and increase the success of Puppet configuration refactoring as it relates to the Puppet master and the Puppet agent.
13 videos | 48m has Assessment available Badge


SaltStack for DevOps: Working with SaltStack Components
Explore the implementation and configuration of various Salt Stack products in this 13-video course, which discusses the architecture and architectural components and identifies Salt's characteristics and role in DevOps. Learners will see illustrations of the basic configuration of salt components, such as Salt master and Salt minion; learn to install, configure, and implement various products of Salt Stack; and learn to implement capabilities of agentless Salt grains, Salt engine, and execution modules. SaltStack Enterprise provides an intelligent automation platform which can manage secure and also optimize any infrastructure, whether it is on-premises, in the cloud, or at the edge. Essential components of SaltStack Enterprise include its engine, its operations framework, and SaltStack SecOps, which provides the capability of customizing the policy or creating custom checks. Other key topics include Salt best practices, Salt Dependencies, and Salt Bootstrap. Learn to recognize implementation scenarios in which SaltStack Enterprise plays an important role. In a concluding exercise, learners will be asked to list core features of Salt, write Salt runner, and write execution module.
13 videos | 1h 2m has Assessment available Badge
SaltStack for DevOps: Configuration Management with SaltStack
Explore the concept of DevOps configuration management in SaltStack and the features provided by the Jinja2 templating engine in this 12-video course. Learn how to build Salt configuration by using Salt state, Salt formulas, templates, and pillars. Then learn to recognize the essential components used in Jinja2, in order to simplify the development: conditional statements, looping, and module executor. Jinja2 conditional provides ability to control flow of the program, and help create a structure controlled by conditional statement. You will hear discussions of how to implement the event-driven architecture of Salt and work with beacons and reactors. Key topics covered in the course include advantages of Salt; Salt best practices; Salt Bootstrap; Salt Dependencies; Jinja templates; and the concept of Pillar, including differentiating in memory Pillar data from on- demand Pillar data. In a concluding exercise, learners are asked to list characteristics of Salt formulas, list features provided by the Jinja templating engine, and add Salt formula as a gitfs remote.
12 videos | 49m has Assessment available Badge
DevOps with Saltstack: Overview
Explore the basics of SaltStack and the different installation methods available.
10 videos | 40m has Assessment available Badge
DevOps with Saltstack: Configuration & Components
Discover how to configure the Salt master and Salt minion files, as well as work with components such as Grains, YAML, and Jinja.
10 videos | 43m has Assessment available Badge
DevOps with Saltstack: Remote Execution & State System
Explore the process of remote execution, including running commands and using modules on minions. The state system, including system layers, compiler ordering, and state trees, is also covered.
13 videos | 1h has Assessment available Badge


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Pro Vagrant
Taking you from basic usage and getting started, to provisioning with Shell, Puppet, and Chef, this indispensable book will show you how to use Vagrant in real-life scenarios, so that you can start to use Vagrant day-to-day in your work.
book Duration 3h 15m book Authors By W³odzimierz Gajda



Using Chef with Microsoft Azure
With practical, detailed examples that help to step you through the process, this hands-on resource gives you the raw materials and guidance required to get started using Chef with the Microsoft Azure toolset.
book Duration 2h 28m book Authors By Stuart Preston


Chef Infrastructure Automation Cookbook, Second Edition
Packed with working code and easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions to configure, deploy, and scale your applications, this book takes you through the various artifacts of Chef and explains the techniques of building full-fledged real-world solutions.
book Duration 2h 58m book Authors By Matthias Marschall


Automation through Chef Opscode: A Hands-on Approach to Chef
Offering step-by-step instructions on installation and configuration, this book provides an in-depth understanding of Chef, which is written in Ruby and Erlang for configuration management, cloud infrastructure management, system administration, and network management.
book Duration 2h 7m book Authors By Manak Wadhwa, Navin Sabharwal



Pro Vagrant
Taking you from basic usage and getting started, to provisioning with Shell, Puppet, and Chef, this indispensable book will show you how to use Vagrant in real-life scenarios, so that you can start to use Vagrant day-to-day in your work.
book Duration 3h 15m book Authors By W³odzimierz Gajda



Ansible: From Beginner to Pro
In less than 250 pages, this book takes you from knowing nothing about configuration management to understanding how to use Ansible in a professional setting. Concise and easy-to-understand, this guide will teach you how how to create an Ansible playbook to automatically set up an environment, ready to install an open source project.
book Duration 2h 46m book Authors By Michael Heap



Pulling Strings with Puppet: Configuration Management Made Easy
Introducing the powerful Puppet system administration tool, this book will guide you through its key features, showing you how to install and configure, create automated tasks, and even create reporting solutions and extend Puppet further to your needs.
book Duration 2h 18m book Authors By James Turnbull


Pro Puppet, Second Edition
Puppet provides a way to automate everything from user management to server configuration. This book will teach you how Puppet has changed in the latest version, how to use it on a variety of platforms, including Windows, how to work with Puppet modules, and how to use Hiera.
book Duration 5h 4m book Authors By Ben Kero, James Turnbull, Jeffery McCune, Spencer Krum, William Van Hevelingen



Salt Open: Automating Your Enterprise and Your Network
This book covers Salt Open (also known as SaltStack Open) from the ground up and shows you how to work with two Linux distributions.
book Duration 2h 14m book Authors By Andrew Mallett


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