Docker: Docker 19.03.1 intermediate
  • 1 Course | 46m 42s
  • 4 Books | 10h 53m
  • 1 Course | 57m 54s
  • 6 Courses | 7h 59m 15s
  • 8 Books | 25h
  • 4 Books | 17h 35m
  • 2 Courses | 2h 10m 51s
  • 9 Courses | 11h 9m 50s
  • 4 Books | 21h 48m
  • 2 Courses | 2h 52m 12s
  • 6 Books | 17h 9m
  • 3 Courses | 2h 37m
  • 2 Books | 4h 55m
Rating 5.0 of 1 users Rating 5.0 of 1 users (1)
Docker is an open-source platform used for the creation and management of distributed applications. Explore this powerful development tool.


Docker & Multi-cloud: Multi-host, Multi-cloud Management with Docker Enterprise

  • 1m 9s
  • 4m 22s


Docker & Multi-cloud: Managing Multi-cloud with Docker

  • 1m 7s
  • 5m 7s


Docker Containers, Images, & Swarms

  • 7m 57s
  • 8m 16s


Docker Compose: Terminology & Installation

  • 1m 21s
  • 5m 8s


Advanced Docker: Exploring Advanced Docker Principles & Practices

  • 1m 17s
  • 7m 32s


Advanced Docker Skills: Performance Troubleshooting

  • 1m 49s
  • 8m 14s


Using Docker for DevOps: Introduction to Docker

  • 1m 49s
  • 7m 29s


Docker & Multi-cloud: Multi-host, Multi-cloud Management with Docker Enterprise
In this course, you will explore how to work with the features, services, and capabilities provided by Docker Enterprise to enable, implement, and manage federated application and multi-host overlay networking. First, the 12-video course explores the process and the benefits of adopting the federated application pattern. Then, you will learn about the components and features of Docker Enterprise and its role in implementing federated application management architecture. Compare the capabilities of Docker and Kubernetes from the perspective of multicloud orchestration and management; view the Kubernetes federation architecture; and learn to recognize the role of Kubernetes and Docker that follows topology and orchestration-specification for cloud applications. Learn how to implement multi-host overlay network driver to create distributed networks among multiple Docker daemon hosts; connect Docker local client with remote AWS (Amazon Web Services) Docker; and implement multi-host overlay networking by using Etcd. Finally, explore how to create AWS and Azure clusters by using and to set up federated application management with Docker Enterprise and Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service).
12 videos | 46m has Assessment available Badge


Docker & Multi-cloud: Managing Multi-cloud with Docker
In this course, learners will examine the architecture of Docker along with features afforded by Docker to enable and manage multicloud containers, environments, and services. The 12-video course opens with an overview of Docker and the prominent open-source tools that can be used by architects for productive container implementations. You will learn about the role of Docker Container Management in implementing multicloud containerization and the critical Docker services that you need to manage while setting up multicloud containerization. Along the way, explore the features of Docker Cloud and Docker Hub along with the benefits of combining Docker and multicloud computer technologies. You will also learn how to link multiple containers, the steps involved in integrating Docker Cloud with AWS (Amazon Web Services), and how to set up nodes on Docker Cloud and deploy services on the nodes. You will conclude the course by learning how to create multicloud clusters by using Docker Swarm, Docker Machine, and popular cloud platforms.
12 videos | 57m has Assessment available Badge


Docker Containers, Images, & Swarms
Explore how to work with Docker containers and swarms, and learn about how Docker fits into the DevOps landscape.
13 videos | 1h 28m has Assessment available Badge
Managing Stacks & Application Deployment
Explore the management of Docker stacks and Distributed Application Bundles (DABs), and learn how to work with Docker Hub and deploy Docker in the cloud.
13 videos | 1h 21m available Badge
Working with Docker Components
Explore Docker container concepts and capabilities and learn how to build containers for microservices.
14 videos | 1h 36m has Assessment available Badge
Containerize Microservices
Discover how to implement application images with stack service and how to manage applications and microservices using various components of Docker.
12 videos | 1h 17m has Assessment available Badge
Managing Microservices on Docker Using Compose
Explore microservices management and persistent data management in Docker using Docker Compose.
12 videos | 1h 9m has Assessment available Badge
Scaling Up & Managing Microservices
Discover in-depth concepts of cluster management and container automation using Ansible, and explore cloud and microservices deployment.
12 videos | 1h 5m has Assessment available Badge


Docker Compose: Terminology & Installation
Docker is an environment for creating, deploying, and running applications, allowing you to deliver software to production environments using containers. Containers are self-contained applications that can be easily distributed to multiple environments for testing and quality control. Docker helps to streamline to the development life cycle and is used with continuous integration and continuous delivery workflows. In this course, you'll learn about the features and the components of the Docker environment. You'll examine the elements, features, and purpose of Docker Compose, as well as how to configure Docker Compose for multiple environments. Next, you'll explore some common use cases for Docker Compose and the steps required to upgrade older versions of Docker Compose to the latest version. Finally, you'll learn how to install Docker Compose on different operating systems.
12 videos | 55m has Assessment available Badge
Docker Compose: Using Docker Compose
Docker Compose is used for setting up and running multi-container docker applications, and can be installed on multiple environments and host many types of containerized applications. In this course, you'll explore the basics of the Docker Compose installation environment for Windows, Linux, and Mac. Next, you'll learn about the fundamentals and best practices when working with Docker Compose. You'll examine the steps for defining, building, and completing a Docker Compose project and the features of the Docker Compose CLI. Finally, you'll learn how to build a simple Python web application, an ASP.Net Core and SQL Server web site, a Django/PostgreSQL application, a Rails/PostgreSQL application, and a WordPress application using Docker Compose.
12 videos | 1h 15m has Assessment available Badge


Advanced Docker: Exploring Advanced Docker Principles & Practices
Docker has revolutionized deployment. It allows developer to build, manage, and secure apps anywhere with ease. In this course, you'll explore advanced Docker principles and practices, which will enhance your skills in orchestrating multi-containers, microservices, and automated deployments. You'll examine Docker basics, common misconceptions, and the benefits of using multiple Docker containers. You'll then examine why microservices are needed, service and application decentralization, and how Docker multi-containers work. You'll learn about common design patterns for managing APIs, delimitation of services, and testing and monitoring. Finally, you'll examine multi-Docker deployment automation and associated best practices.
14 videos | 1h 35m has Assessment available Badge
Advanced Docker: Working with Services & Applications on Multiple Containers
Running multiple Docker containers and using multiple cloud environments really extends the capabilities of using Docker. In this course, you'll learn about working with multiple Docker containers and how to define them. You'll then explore how to run two distinct Docker containers, as well as install and configure a simple application with at least two supporting services on the same cloud environment. You'll learn how to install and configure a simple application on at least two Docker containers on two different cloud platforms. By the end of this course, you'll be able to run most common use cases of Docker and recognize the differences.
10 videos | 1h 2m has Assessment available Badge
Advanced Docker Principles: Multiple Docker Containers
Docker is a set of platform as a service products used to build and share containerized apps. Docker enables applications to be separated from infrastructure, allowing for a quicker delivery. In this course, you'll learn the fundamentals of the Docker platform and container storage. You'll explore multi-container Docker applications, as well as common multi-container Docker scenarios. Next, you'll examine Docker Compose, a tool used for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. You'll explore how to setup Docker Compose, add containers to a project, and debug containers using VS Code. Lastly, you'll learn how to work with multiple Compose files, as well as how to review a multi-application strategy.
14 videos | 1h 16m has Assessment available Badge
Advanced Docker Principles: Docker for Microservices Strategies
A microservice architecture is used to structure an application as a collection of loosely coupled services. Microservices are independently deployable and scalable, offer improved fault isolation, and result in smaller and faster deployments. In this course, you'll learn about the fundamentals, importance, and value of microservices. You'll learn to recognize the intersection of microservices and Docker, and the advantages of using Docker for microservices. Explore how Docker's compactness and brevity lends itself to the microservices solution, and learn how Docker and microservices work together. Lastly, you'll learn how to deploy at a Docker deployment with at least 2 microservices.
11 videos | 1h 3m has Assessment available Badge
Solutions for Multi-cloud Load Balancing: Load Balancing with Docker
Docker Swarm provides all the tools necessary to spin up Docker Swarm clusters with relative ease. It is also readily available, being integrated directly into Docker Engine, which means Docker itself now provides orchestration. Docker Swarm's routing mesh networking model is excellent. But it lacks availability, visibility, security and control that more complex, production deployments require, so some help is needed to fill in the missing components. In this course, you'll explore Docker components and objects, as well as how Docker deployments differ from traditional deployments, with a focus on the microservices architecture afforded by Docker's container technology. You'll also learn how microservice architecture has changed load balancing deployments. Next, you'll investigate fully versus self-managed cloud services, Docker load balancing scenarios including Docker Swarm, NGINX open-source load balancing, and using an external edge router in a Docker Swarm cluster. Finally, you'll learn how to install Docker and configure load balancing for various example scenarios.
15 videos | 1h 25m has Assessment available Badge
Advanced Docker Skills: Debugging Docker Solutions
Troubleshooting and debugging Docker issues are skills that are a must-have in a developer's arsenal. Use this course to learn about the 'art and science' of troubleshooting infrastructure solutions and some common troubleshooting strategies. Start by exploring some common Docker issues and their solutions before moving on to examining how to use the Docker log files to diagnose issues. You'll then discover different options for logging drivers learn how to troubleshoot issues with Docker images, Docker deployments, and deployments using Kubernetes, as well as some of the common tools used to troubleshoot Docker. You'll also investigate the steps involved in troubleshooting common issues with the Dockerfile, common Docker container naming issues, and common Docker communication issues. After completing this course, you'll have the skills and knowledge to troubleshoot and debug issues in Docker builds and deployments.
14 videos | 1h 29m has Assessment available Badge
Docker Skills: Advanced Docker Security
Security planning is a critical part of configuring and hosting Docker images securely. This course will focus on ensuring the Docker images and environment are not vulnerable to unauthorized access and security attacks. In this course, you'll learn how traditional software development models such as client server applications and REST-based web services are relevant to Docker. You'll examine the features, benefits, and challenges of using virtual machines versus Docker to deploy applications. Next, you'll explore some major Docker security concerns and methods for hardening Docker containers. You'll move on to learn about developing a security plan for Docker, specifically during the design phases of a project. Finally, you'll learn about Docker Seccomp and AppArmor profiles and why are they important.
13 videos | 1h 7m has Assessment available Badge
Docker Skills: Advanced Docker Orchestration
Container orchestration is used to automate the deployment, management, scaling and networking of containers. For organizations that have thousands of containers, being able to manage them effectively is operation critical. In this course, you'll learn about using container orchestration with Docker and the available tools and service for orchestration and cluster management. Next, you'll explore features of the Kubernetes container cluster management tool and Docker swarm. You'll examine reasons for using multiple Docker containers and options for configuring the Docker network to work with multiple containers. You'll also learn about backups, remote access, and upgrades in multi-container environments. You'll move on to examine working with multiple Docker hosts and how cloud providers manage and automate orchestration. Finally, you'll review how to set up and create a Docker swarm, as well as deploy an application stack and deploy services to a swarm.
14 videos | 1h 13m has Assessment available Badge
Advanced Docker Skills: Advanced Docker Administration
Docker is a very powerful tool that can be used for containerizing applications. This course will focus on advanced Docker administration concepts, with demonstrations of some of these advanced concepts. In this course, you'll learn about continuous integration and how it relates to Docker, Docker Hub, Docker Compose, and Docker's lifecycle. Next, you'll examine Docker security challenges and how to configure security and Transport Layer Security options. You'll explore the Docker Hub and the process of building, managing, and distributing Docker images. You'll also learn about the Docker architecture and the Docker daemon. You'll move on to cover the Docker content trust, trust delegation, how to deploy a notary, and trust key management. Finally, you'll learn about storage management in Docker, including volumes, bind mounts, and tmpfs mounts, as well as how to administer Docker networking components, services, and containers.
13 videos | 55m has Assessment available Badge


Advanced Docker Skills: Performance Troubleshooting
Performance engineering includes techniques to ensure that non-technical requirements such as latency, memory usage, and throughput are met. Docker containers can take advantage of performance engineering to ensure that they run efficiently and effectively. In this course, you'll learn about the history and purpose of performance engineering and techniques for using performance engineering with Docker containers. Next, you'll explore how to manage Docker, as well as some common Docker performance issues and how to resolve them. You'll move on to learn about some of the tools that can be used for monitoring and performance testing on Docker containers. Finally, you'll examine some examples of how to use the ManageEngine and Prometheus monitoring tools to monitor Docker containers and also use them to optimize a Docker container running MySQL and WordPress
14 videos | 1h 31m has Assessment available Badge
Advanced Docker Skills: Docker Performance Optimization
Optimizing Docker performance occurs long before the containers are in a production environment. Optimization needs to be part of the initial design and planning process. In this course, you'll learn how to optimize the various sections of the Docker ecosystem. First, you'll examine why Docker container performance needs to be part of the initial design and planning process and some of the best practices for designing docker containers. You'll learn some of the common bottlenecks encountered when running Docker containers, best practices when optimizing performance for Docker containers, and considerations when planning for performance. Next, you'll explore considerations for scaling and capacity planning Docker containers in a production environment. You'll move on to learn about the different methods for Docker orchestration and how to configure Docker swarm. Finally, you'll learn how to plan for Docker storage and network performance.
14 videos | 1h 20m has Assessment available Badge


Using Docker for DevOps: Introduction to Docker
This course explores containerization, the features of containerization, and various technologies that drive containerization, a lightweight alternative for virtual machine (VM). Learners examine examples of the implementation of DevOps processes and storage drivers using Docker. The 13-video course then explores the DevOps continuous delivery reference architecture for Docker, and explains the differences between VMs, containers, and images. You will learn to use Docker Hub, and to use the Docker toolbox to install and configure Docker on Windows and Linux. Learners can examine the features and benefits of deploying and working with Docker in AWS (Amazon Web Services). You will learn to combine containerization and the cloud which adds the cloud features of elasticity, availability, and resource utility from containers. Next, you will learn to recognize essential Docker components to manage applications, data, and a network. Learners will explore the important clauses used in Dockerfiles to build images and manage images. Finally, learn to create repositories in Docker Hub, and to push container images from the local file system to the Hub.
13 videos | 1h 7m has Assessment available Badge
Using Docker for DevOps: Configuring Docker for Continuous Delivery
Explore Docker storage drivers, and how images and containers are stored and managed on a Docker host in this 11-video course, in which learners examine the differences between virtual machines (VMs), containers, and images, and explore Docker's reference architecture for continuous delivery. You will learn how to manage data volume using the Docker CLI (command-line interface); and how to classify VMs, containers, and images, as well as recall the benefits of customized images in DevOps. You will learn to use the Docker Compose tool to run multicontainer Docker applications. Since a container's capabilities depends on the host operating system, you will learn to specify the features of networking containers, and the defaulting networking providers for Docker. Learners work with Docker CLI to create and manage networks, and then learn how to install, configure, and build a project by using Docker Assemble. This course demonstrates how to set up a Docker Cluster by using Swarm for cluster-management and orchestration features. Finally, learners will explore a list of Docker's DevOps continuous delivery reference architectures.
11 videos | 50m has Assessment available Badge
DevOps with Docker: Container Management
Learners will explore a comparison of traditional virtualization and container architectures, as well as benefits of adopting containerization in DevOps workflows, in this 11-video course examining supporting Docker technologies for networking, service discovery, orchestration, and cluster management. Key concepts covered include traditional virtualization with container architecture and benefits of adopting containerization in DevOps workflows; major Docker components and features of the runC driver; and supporting Docker technologies used to manage networking, service discovery, orchestration, and clusters. Next, learn Docker commands to manage containers, associate containers with IPs, and link containers in Docker with the self-discovery approach; how to implement networking in Docker using network drivers to set up container networking; and how to set up custom bridges for Docker and use Open vSwitch virtual switch, instead of the standard Linux bridge. Then learn essential commands in Dockerfile to support the build and run phases of managing images; how to create Docker images with Dockerfile for creating and deploying applications in isolated environments; and learn image distribution and versioning by using repositories and Docker Hub.
11 videos | 52m has Assessment available Badge
DevOps with Docker: Implementing DevOps Using Docker
In this 12-video course, learners can explore activities required to set up and configure Docker for development and the features of Sonotype Nexus and Artifactory repository manager. You will discover how to run local registries, push and store images in local registries, implement tunnels to network containers present on multiple hosts, and use Docker Remote API to automate Docker tasks. Key concepts covered in this course include how to set up an end-to-end Docker-based local development environment; how to build Docker-based applications, create the continuous integration workflow for building and testing applications with Docker and Jenkins; how to provision new resources and run containers on them using Docker Machine; and how to install and configure Sonotype Nexus to set up repositories. Next, learners explore facilitating the continuous monitoring features of DevOps by implementing ELK for continuous logging and monitoring; learn Sonotype Nexus and Artifactory repository manager features; and how to install and configure Sonotype Nexus to set up a repository for artifact management.
12 videos | 1h 10m has Assessment available Badge
DevOps with Docker: Management in the Cloud
Explore tools that can be used to simplify network and service discovery in Docker, for Docker orchestration, and to adopt DevOps continuous delivery (CD) principles. Examine clustering and management, along with architecture of Kubernetes, and how to connect containers across hosts using Ambassadors. Key concepts covered in this 12-video course include implementing Docker network solutions using Weave; creating and configuring Minikube clusters; and setting up the Minikube environment to communicate with Docker daemon. Next, work with Compose to deploy applications on Minikube; create GKE clusters, and install and build continuous integration (CI)/CD pipelines with Jenkins X; and learn tools and their features used to simplify networking and service discovery in Docker. Then connect containers across hosts using Ambassadors; create and configure Minikube clusters and set up the Minikube environment to communicate with Docker daemon; and use Compose to deploy applications on Minikube. Finally, learn about tools used to adopt DevOps continuous delivery principles for managing container-based architectures; learn to create GKE clusters and install Jenkins X; and build CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins X.
12 videos | 1h 6m has Assessment available Badge
Enterprise DevOps with Docker
Explore Docker containerization strategy and how to build modern applications by implementing it with Docker. Apply the Docker Maturity Model to help scale application maturity, and general guidelines and recommendations for implementing DevOps containerization. Key concepts covered in this 16-video course include Docker's containerization strategy to help leverage existing IT resources; the Docker Maturity Model and Docker features to help scale application maturity; key products and services of Docker Enterprise Edition and their associated features; and setting up and configuring hosted Docker Enterprise. Next, learn to add nodes and provision repositories to store and manage Docker images using Docker Enterprise; build a multi-OS application, and deploy and scale it to Docker Enterprise using Swarm and one using Kubernetes; and learn approaches to securing Docker Enterprise and security best practices. Finally, examine benefits of audit logs and learn to describe log levels that can be configured with Docker Enterprise; use UCP logs in Docker Enterprise; and manage Docker Enterprise by backing up and restoring configuration and work with the telemetry plugin in Docker Enterprise.
16 videos | 1h 17m has Assessment


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Digital badges are yours to keep, forever.



Docker Deep Dive
Giving you the confidence you need to take on Docker in the real world, this guide is the ultimate book for learning Docker, brought to you by Docker Captain and leading educator in the container ecosystem.
book Duration 4h 38m book Authors By Nigel Poulton


Deploying Rails with Docker, Kubernetes and ECS
Concise and easy to follow, with a fully working Ruby on Rails app example, this book shows you how to set up the project, push it to DockerHub, manage services and set up an efficient continuous integration environment.
book Duration 1h 39m book Authors By Pablo Acuña


Kubernetes Management Design Patterns: With Docker, CoreOS Linux, and Other Platforms
A practical guide on using Kubernetes management patterns on CoreOS, this book discusses the ease of use provided by Kubernetes in developing and running applications in Pods and covers cloud platforms platforms, such as Amazon AWS EC2 and Google Cloud Platform.
book Duration 2h 45m book Authors By Deepak Vohra


Pro Docker
In this fast-paced book on the Docker open standards platform for developing, packaging and running portable distributed applications, the author discusses how to build, ship and run applications on any platform such as a PC, the cloud, data center or a virtual machine.
book Duration 1h 51m book Authors By Deepak Vohra



Docker Deep Dive
Giving you the confidence you need to take on Docker in the real world, this guide is the ultimate book for learning Docker, brought to you by Docker Captain and leading educator in the container ecosystem.
book Duration 4h 38m book Authors By Nigel Poulton


Docker for Data Science: Building Scalable and Extensible Data Infrastructure Around the Jupyter Notebook Server
Designed to teach the concepts and techniques of Docker and its ecosystem as applied to the field of data science, this book contains a discussion on building larger integrated systems using Jupyter and open source data stores MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and Redis.
book Duration 3h 18m book Authors By Joshua Cook


Pro Docker
In this fast-paced book on the Docker open standards platform for developing, packaging and running portable distributed applications, the author discusses how to build, ship and run applications on any platform such as a PC, the cloud, data center or a virtual machine.
book Duration 1h 51m book Authors By Deepak Vohra


Kubernetes Microservices with Docker
Including numerous examples throughout the book, this resource on Kubernetes, a container cluster manager, discusses all aspects of using Kubernetes in today's complex big data and enterprise applications, with Docker containers.
book Duration 2h 52m book Authors By Deepak Vohra


Kubernetes Management Design Patterns: With Docker, CoreOS Linux, and Other Platforms
A practical guide on using Kubernetes management patterns on CoreOS, this book discusses the ease of use provided by Kubernetes in developing and running applications in Pods and covers cloud platforms platforms, such as Amazon AWS EC2 and Google Cloud Platform.
book Duration 2h 45m book Authors By Deepak Vohra


Docker in Production: Lessons from the Trenches
For those with intermediate to advanced DevOps and ops backgrounds, this book will give you a solid understanding of the building blocks and concerns of architecting and running Docker-based infrastructure in production.
book Duration 3h 21m book Authors By Joe Johnston


Essential Docker for ASP.NET Core MVC
Packed with examples and practical demonstrations, this book will help you deploy even large-scale, cross-platform web applications from development into production.
book Duration 2h 55m book Authors By Adam Freeman


Docker Management Design Patterns: Swarm Mode on Amazon Web Services
Based on the latest version of Docker (17.0x), this book explains how to use Docker Swarm mode with Docker Engine to create a distributed Docker container cluster and how to scale a cluster of containers, schedule containers on specific nodes, and mount a volume.
book Duration 3h 20m book Authors By Deepak Vohra



Docker Deep Dive
Giving you the confidence you need to take on Docker in the real world, this guide is the ultimate book for learning Docker, brought to you by Docker Captain and leading educator in the container ecosystem.
book Duration 4h 38m book Authors By Nigel Poulton


Docker in Practice, Second Edition
Presenting over 100 practical techniques, hand-picked to help you get the most out of Docker, this book walks through specific examples that you can use immediately and offers expert guidance that you can apply to a whole range of scenarios.
book Duration 7h 45m book Authors By Aidan Hobson Sayers, Ian Miell


Pro Docker
In this fast-paced book on the Docker open standards platform for developing, packaging and running portable distributed applications, the author discusses how to build, ship and run applications on any platform such as a PC, the cloud, data center or a virtual machine.
book Duration 1h 51m book Authors By Deepak Vohra


Docker in Production: Lessons from the Trenches
For those with intermediate to advanced DevOps and ops backgrounds, this book will give you a solid understanding of the building blocks and concerns of architecting and running Docker-based infrastructure in production.
book Duration 3h 21m book Authors By Joe Johnston



Docker Deep Dive: Zero to Docker in a Single Book!
Giving you the confidence you need to take on Docker in the real world, this guide is the ultimate book for learning Docker, brought to you by Docker Captain and leading educator in the container ecosystem.
book Duration 3h 45m book Authors By Nigel Poulton


Docker Deep Dive
Giving you the confidence you need to take on Docker in the real world, this guide is the ultimate book for learning Docker, brought to you by Docker Captain and leading educator in the container ecosystem.
book Duration 4h 38m book Authors By Nigel Poulton


Docker in Practice, Second Edition
Presenting over 100 practical techniques, hand-picked to help you get the most out of Docker, this book walks through specific examples that you can use immediately and offers expert guidance that you can apply to a whole range of scenarios.
book Duration 7h 45m book Authors By Aidan Hobson Sayers, Ian Miell


Docker in Action, Second Edition
Including plenty of examples and best practices throughout, this book teaches you the skills and knowledge you need to create, deploy, and manage applications hosted in Docker containers.
book Duration 5h 40m book Authors By Jeff Nickoloff, Stephen Kuenzli



Docker Deep Dive
Giving you the confidence you need to take on Docker in the real world, this guide is the ultimate book for learning Docker, brought to you by Docker Captain and leading educator in the container ecosystem.
book Duration 4h 38m book Authors By Nigel Poulton


Deploying Rails with Docker, Kubernetes and ECS
Concise and easy to follow, with a fully working Ruby on Rails app example, this book shows you how to set up the project, push it to DockerHub, manage services and set up an efficient continuous integration environment.
book Duration 1h 39m book Authors By Pablo Acuña


Kubernetes Management Design Patterns: With Docker, CoreOS Linux, and Other Platforms
A practical guide on using Kubernetes management patterns on CoreOS, this book discusses the ease of use provided by Kubernetes in developing and running applications in Pods and covers cloud platforms platforms, such as Amazon AWS EC2 and Google Cloud Platform.
book Duration 2h 45m book Authors By Deepak Vohra


Essential Docker for ASP.NET Core MVC
Packed with examples and practical demonstrations, this book will help you deploy even large-scale, cross-platform web applications from development into production.
book Duration 2h 55m book Authors By Adam Freeman


Pro Docker
In this fast-paced book on the Docker open standards platform for developing, packaging and running portable distributed applications, the author discusses how to build, ship and run applications on any platform such as a PC, the cloud, data center or a virtual machine.
book Duration 1h 51m book Authors By Deepak Vohra


Docker in Production: Lessons from the Trenches
For those with intermediate to advanced DevOps and ops backgrounds, this book will give you a solid understanding of the building blocks and concerns of architecting and running Docker-based infrastructure in production.
book Duration 3h 21m book Authors By Joe Johnston



Pro DevOps with Google Cloud Platform: With Docker, Jenkins, and Kubernetes
Showing you how to use DevOps principles with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to develop applications and services, this book builds chapter by chapter to a complete real-life scenario, explaining how to build, monitor, and maintain a complete application using DevOps in practice.
book Duration 3h 24m book Authors By Pierluigi Riti


Generic Pipelines Using Docker: The DevOps Guide to Building Reusable, Platform Agnostic CI/CD Frameworks
Using real-world examples and reusable code, this book helps you get up to speed on the pros and cons of generic pipeline methodology, and learn to combine shell scripts and Docker to build generic pipelines.
book Duration 1h 31m book Authors By Brandon Atkinson, Dallas Edwards


Docker Competency (Intermediate Level)
The Docker Competency benchmark measures whether a learner has been exposed to this technology and has some experience working with it or technologies similar to it. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates an intermediate level of skill in commonly used Docker services and tools.
15m    |   15 questions
Docker Proficiency (Advanced Level)
The Docker Proficiency benchmark measures whether a developer learning persona has experience with typical and common Kubernetes terminology, tools, and technologies. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates a high level of skill in commonly used Docker services and tools.
30m    |   30 questions


Channel Node.js
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Channel Puppet
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Rating 5.0 of 1 users Rating 5.0 of 1 users (1)