Kotlin: Kotlin 1.2 beginner

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  • 5 Courses | 3h 31m 48s
  • 9 Books | 44h 15m
  • Includes Lab
  • 1 Course | 54m 23s
  • 3 Books | 14h 47m
  • 1 Course | 1h 47m 27s
  • 3 Books | 21h 39m
  • 3 Courses | 5h 22m
  • 4 Books | 27h
  • 3 Courses | 5h 42m 27s
  • 1 Book | 9h 57m
Rating 5.0 of 1 users Rating 5.0 of 1 users (1)
Explore Kotlin, a statically typed programing language for JVM and Android.



  • 2m 43s
  • 3m 37s


Getting Started with Kotlin

  • 1m 37s
  • 5m 26s


Kotlin: Getting Started with Android App Development

  • 2m 4s
  • 10m 10s


Basic Programming Concepts in Kotlin

  • 1m 45s
  • 12m 25s


Kotlin: Understanding Views & Layouts

  • 1m 52s
  • 4m 29s


Kotlin relies on the Java Class Library, and there are several integrated development environments (IDEs) to choose from for developing with Kotlin. This course explores the basics of Kotlin and its tools. You'll begin by learning that Kotlin relies on the Java Class Library, and there are several integrated development environments (IDEs) to choose from to develop Kotlin applications. This course describes the Kotlin language and its features, and shows you the differences and similarities between Kotlin and Java. As you progress, you'll also earn about various Kotlin data types, including variables, constants, strings, and arrays. Explore basic Kotlin syntactical structures, and Kotlin command-line compilers. Identify Kotlin's build tools and their uses. Discover Koans and their purpose in Kotlin. You'll conclude by comparing various Kotlin integrated development environments (IDEs).
9 videos | 23m has Assessment available Badge
When developing with Kotlin, there are several integrated development environments (IDEs) to choose from. Discover how to install a Kotlin development environment and create a basic Kotlin project. You have lots of integrated development environments (IDEs) to choose from, when you want to develop a Kotlin application. In this course, you will walk through the steps to install the IntelliJ IDE, Android Studio, the Kotlin plug-in for Eclipse, and the Java software developer kit (SDK). Create a new Kotlin project and select a JDK with the IntelliJ IDE. Explore a Kotlin project structure and how to add a program file to a Kotlin project. Conclude by creating and running Kotlin code through the IntelliJ IDE.
8 videos | 21m has Assessment available Badge
While similar to Java, Kotlin's syntax is not compatible with the ubiquitous language. Explore the basic syntax of Kotlin, including packages, types, variables, strings, and conditionals. During this course, you will see how to create comments in Kotlin applications, implement Kotlin packages, practice null safety, perform string operations, and program conditional structures. Then, as a review exercise, you will create a basic Kotlin application with comments, variables, and strings.
10 videos | 48m has Assessment available Badge
Loops & Functions
Kotlin uses many of the programming constructs that you would expect to find in other high-level programming languages. During this course, you will begin by exploring type checking, loops, when statements, and standard function structures. Next, you will learn how to define ranges with the IN operator in Kotlin. Then, work with collections, Kotlin functions, lambdas, inline functions, and exception handlers. Finally, as a review exercise, you will create a Kotlin application that includes loops and functions, and then run the application.
11 videos | 57m has Assessment available Badge
Objects & Classes
Kotlin is an object-oriented programming language, so working with objects is an important part of mastering it. During this course, you will explore classes, visibility, extensions, and objects in Kotlin. See how to describe objects and their implementation in Kotlin programming. Create a basic class and a class instance in Kotlin. Capture user input, store data in a file, and read data from a file. Configure Android Studio to work on your Kotlin projects, and configure IntelliJ IDEA for Android development. Finally, conclude by creating an Android project, add items to a project interface, and run apps in an emulator.
11 videos | 1h 1m has Assessment available Badge


Getting Started with Kotlin
Since 2019 Kotlin has been designated as the official programming language for Android development. However, Kotlin can be used for more than just mobile application development. Kotlin supports server-side development, full-stack development, data science, native application development, and multiplatform development. Kotlin compiles to Java bytecode, runs on the Java Virtual Machine, and can interoperate with existing Java code in your projects. In this course, you will be introduced to the Kotlin programming language. You will discover various use cases for Kotlin and identify when you would choose to use Kotlin over Java. You will use the Kotlin online playground to write your first bit of code, run Kotlin on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and compile Kotlin code to JavaScript. Next, you will use the Kotlin command line compiler on your local machine and run the Kotlin REPL (read-evaluate-print-loop) interactive environment to work with Kotlin code. Finally, you will install the IntelliJ integrated development environment to work with Kotlin and create and run your first Kotlin project.
9 videos | 54m has Assessment available Badge


Kotlin: Getting Started with Android App Development
Android application development remains highly relevant due to the widespread use of Android devices and the increasing demand for mobile applications. With the growing reliance on smartphones and tablets for various tasks, from communication and entertainment to productivity and e-commerce, Android apps play a vital role in meeting the evolving needs and preferences of users. In this course, you will embark on a journey to explore the essential concepts of Android development. You will learn about the four crucial components of Android applications - activities, services, broadcast receivers, and content providers. You will grasp the significance of the Android manifest file and gain familiarity with the fundamental architectural principles that will govern the development of robust Android applications. Next, you will learn how to set up and install Android Studio. You will create and configure an Android Views project and you will recognize the importance of selecting the appropriate Android API level to ensure compatibility and maximize the potential of your application. By exploring the various directories and folders within an Android project, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of their roles and functions. Finally, you will dive into the practical aspects of Android development by creating an Android Virtual Device (AVD) within Android Studio. This AVD will enable you to execute and evaluate your applications directly within the development environment. You will run your first application, fine-tune the layout, and manipulate the included resources, providing you with hands-on experience in developing apps using Android Studio.
14 videos | 1h 47m has Assessment available Badge


Basic Programming Concepts in Kotlin
Kotlin supports the same basic concepts as other high-level programming languages such as Java and C#. However, Kotlin has a unique, more concise syntax than these languages and also has some additional features which make programming in Kotlin more robust and secure. In this course, you will learn to work with basic Kotlin data types and syntax. You will explore how to make a choice between val-type variables and var-type variables and the details of how to use those in your code. You will also use string templates to evaluate expressions embedded in strings. Next, you will work with conditional branching using if-else statements and expressions. You will perform multiple conditional checks using when statements and expressions, work with collection data structures such as lists, sets, and maps, and use looping constructs such as for-loops, while loops, and do-while loops. Finally, you will explore null safety features in Kotlin such as null-safe invocations, not-null assertions, and the Elvis operator.
13 videos | 2h 3m has Assessment available Badge
Functional Programming with Kotlin
Kotlin supports functional and object-oriented programming constructs. Functions in Kotlin are first-class citizens and function objects can be treated just like other data types. In addition, Kotlin supports very concise function expressions called lambdas that are very often used with collection-related operations. In this course, you will learn the structure, syntax, and features of basic functions in Kotlin. You will learn to define default values for function input parameters, use named and positioned parameters with functions, and create functions with variable numbers of arguments. Next, you will work with higher-order functions. You will learn to pass in functions as input arguments to other functions and return functions as return values from functions. You will also implement and use closures in your code. Finally, you will define and use lambda expressions which are short, concise function definitions for use and throw functions. You will learn how to use the trailing lambda syntax in Kotlin and practice creating and using lambda expressions with collections.
9 videos | 1h 14m has Assessment available Badge
Object-oriented Programming with Kotlin
A core feature of Kotlin is its ability to interoperate with Java code. Classes and objects in Kotlin are built on the same principles as in Java but Kotlin has additional features that improve upon Java's object-oriented model, including the ability to implement enum classes, sealed classes, data classes, and extension functions for third-party classes. In this course, you will be introduced to classes and objects in Kotlin. You will learn to define and use primary constructors, secondary constructors, and initializer blocks. You will also see how you can define custom getters and setters for class properties. Next, you will learn how you can inherit from classes in Kotlin and implement interfaces. You will study the implementation and use of functional interfaces and other special classes that Kotlin supports, such as enum classes, sealed classes, data classes, and companion objects. Finally, you will see how you can use extension functions to extend third-party class functionality and use coroutines for asynchronous programming.
14 videos | 2h 3m has Assessment available Badge


Kotlin: Understanding Views & Layouts
Views and layouts are essential in Android applications as they determine the visual presentation, user interaction, and overall user experience, enabling developers to create intuitive and visually appealing interfaces that adapt to different device sizes and orientations. In this course you will learn the basics of using layouts or ViewGroups to design your application's screen. You will create screens using TextViews, EditText widgets, and ImageViews. Next, you will improve the look and feel of your application by including a MaterialToolbar to display the app title and other actions. You will also see how you can incorporate and wire up a floating action button in your app. Furthermore, you will explore listeners in more detail by developing a simple counter application that also includes a Snackbar for notifications. Finally, you will expand your skills in Android app development by exploring different layout options, including the linear, relative, frame, and constraint layouts.
15 videos | 2h 2m has Assessment available Badge
Kotlin: Building Interactive Layouts Using GridView & ListView
Interactive dynamic layouts such as GridView and ListView in Android enable developers to present data in a visually appealing and interactive manner. These views leverage adapters as a bridge between the data source and the layout, allowing for improved performance using view recycling. In this course, we will create dynamic views using GridView and ListView layouts. We learn how to recycle views within the layouts, optimizing performance and memory usage by reusing existing views. Furthermore, we will explore formatting the layouts to utilize cards, enhancing the visual presentation of the content. Next, we will explore a variety of commonly used widgets in mobile applications. We will create an autocomplete text view, providing users with suggestions and auto-completion functionality for efficient input. We'll also create multi-autocomplete text views, empowering users to select multiple suggestions. We will also incorporate a ScrollView to allow users to navigate and view content that extends beyond the screen size. Finally, we will incorporate a toggle switch into our app, allowing users to easily switch between two states or options. We will create a ListView with checkboxes, enabling users to select multiple items from a list. Additionally, we will utilize the toggle button for state selection and create a screen with a popup menu, providing users with a visually organized menu of options or actions.
14 videos | 1h 41m has Assessment available Badge
Kotlin: Working with Intents, Activities, & Fragments
Intents, activities, and fragments are essential components in Android development as they enable seamless navigation between screens, facilitate modular and reusable code structures, and allow for efficient communication and data transfer within an Android application. In this course, we will begin by exploring the functionality of intents in Android applications. Through hands-on exercises, we will learn to navigate between activities using intents, incorporating both implicit and explicit intents. We will also leverage intents to direct users to external web pages, enhancing the flow and navigation within our applications. Next, we will delve into advanced techniques in Android app development. We will set up the user interface for a reservations app and utilize intents to navigate to the reservations page, implementing view manipulation code to accept and display reservations. We will create view binding objects to streamline the process of accessing views. Additionally, we will use data binding to specify data directly within XML layouts for seamless integration. Then we will enhance list handling capabilities by leveraging RecyclerView. Finally, we will modularize our app by dividing it into fragments and pass input arguments to fragments for customization. We will learn to dynamically add and replace fragments using the fragment manager and fragment transactions and explore backstack management, enabling smooth back navigation within our app. To facilitate effective communication between activities and fragments, we will utilize ViewModel architecture, enhancing data exchange and interaction.
16 videos | 1h 57m has Assessment available Badge


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Learn to Program with Kotlin: From the Basics to Projects with Text and Image Processing
Teach yourself programming starting with the basics and progressing to a series of exciting projects using Kotlin, one of today's hottest programming languages.
book Duration 3h 25m book Authors By Tim Lavers


The Joy of Kotlin
Including down-to-earth examples and experience-driven insights, this expert guide teaches you practical techniques to improve abstraction and design, to write comprehensible code, and to build maintainable bug-free applications.
book Duration 8h 23m book Authors By Pierre-Yves Saumont


Kotlin in Action
Kotlin in Action
book Duration 5h 43m book Authors By Dmitry Jemerov


Pro Android with Kotlin: Developing Modern Mobile Apps
Covering the various aspects of a modern Android app that professionals are expected to encounter, this book is an invaluable source for developers wanting to build real-world state-of-the-art apps for modern Android devices.
book Duration 5h 49m book Authors By Peter Späth


Learn Kotlin for Android Development: The Next Generation Language for Modern Android Apps Programming
Apart from introducing Kotlin programming, this book stresses clean code principles and introduces object-oriented and functional programming as a starting point for developing Android apps.
book Duration 5h 53m book Authors By Peter Späth


Kotlin In-Depth: A Comprehensive Guide to Modern Multi-Paradigm Language, Volume I
Guiding the reader through the capabilities of Kotlin language, this practical book gives examples of how to use it for the development of various applications, be it desktop, mobile or Web.
book Duration 4h 29m book Authors By Aleksei Sedunov


Cracking Kotlin Interview: Solutions to Your Basic to Advanced Programming Questions
Using simple language and a crystal clear approach, this user-friendly book provides several examples and self-explanatory analogies while covering all the possible interview questions about coding in Kotlin.
book Duration 1h 1m book Authors By Swati Saxena


Android Application Development with Kotlin: Build Your First Android App in No Time
Including illustrative real-case problems and self-assessment quizzes, this book aims to provide basic to advanced concepts of the Kotlin language, and its application in Android development.
book Duration 5h 8m book Authors By Hardik Trivedi


Building Android Projects with Kotlin: Use Android SDK, Jetpack, Material Design, and JUnit to Build Android and JVM Apps That Are Secure and Modular
Aspiring Android developers, Kotlin programmers, and mobile developers would benefit from reading this book by improving their writing skills and fully utilizing the benefits of Kotlin in their application development. However, before reading this book, it would be beneficial to know Kotlin.
book Duration 4h 24m book Authors By Pankaj Kumar



Beginning Kotlin: Build Applications with Better Code, Productivity, and Performance
This book introduces the Kotlin programming skills and techniques necessary for building applications. You'll learn how to migrate your Java programming skills to Kotlin, a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) programming language.
book Duration 2h 1m book Authors By Ted Hagos


Functional Programming in Kotlin
This book teaches you how to design and write Kotlin applications using typed functional programming.
book Duration 9h 21m book Authors By Marco Vermeulen, Paul Chiusano, Rúnar Bjarnason


Learn to Program with Kotlin: From the Basics to Projects with Text and Image Processing
Teach yourself programming starting with the basics and progressing to a series of exciting projects using Kotlin, one of today's hottest programming languages.
book Duration 3h 25m book Authors By Tim Lavers



Building Kotlin Applications: A Comprehensive Guide for Android, Web, and Server-Side Development
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to Kotlin, covering everything you need to know to start building Kotlin applications, regardless of your prior programming experience.
book Duration 4h 38m book Authors By Mounir Boussetta


Kotlin in Action, Second Edition
Expert guidance and amazing examples from Kotlin core developers! It's everything you need to get up and running fast.
book Duration 9h 57m book Authors By Dmitry Jemerov, Roman Elizarov, Sebastian Aigner, Svetlana Isakova


Kotlin Crash Course: Fast-Track Your Programming Skills with Practical Experience
Kotlin Crash Course is a fast-paced, hands-on introduction to Kotlin, preparing readers to build robust applications efficiently using the latest language features and best practices.
book Duration 7h 4m book Authors By Elena van Engelen - Maslova



Kotlin In-Depth: A Guide to a Multipurpose Programming Language for Server-Side, Front-End, Android, and Multiplatform Mobile
The book begins with an introduction to the language and its environment, which will help you to grasp the fundamental concepts underlying Kotlin's design. The readers will learn the Kotlin tooling and the language's core syntax and structures.
book Duration 7h 54m book Authors By Aleksei Sedunov


Functional Programming in Kotlin
This book teaches you how to design and write Kotlin applications using typed functional programming.
book Duration 9h 21m book Authors By Marco Vermeulen, Paul Chiusano, Rúnar Bjarnason


Programming Kotlin Applications: Building Mobile and Server-Side Applications with Kotlin
This book drops readers into the fast lane for learning to develop with the Kotlin programming language.
book Duration 5h 39m book Authors By Brett McLaughlin


Pro Kotlin Web Apps from Scratch: Building Production-Ready Web Apps Without a Framework
The book teaches the Kotlin language by building production-ready Kotlin code. You'll gain a deep understanding of the idiomatic use of the Kotlin language along with knowledge of how to apply Kotlin in production-grade web apps.
book Duration 4h 6m book Authors By August Lilleaas



Kotlin in Action, Second Edition
Expert guidance and amazing examples from Kotlin core developers! It's everything you need to get up and running fast.
book Duration 9h 57m book Authors By Dmitry Jemerov, Roman Elizarov, Sebastian Aigner, Svetlana Isakova


Kotlin Programming Literacy (Beginner Level)
The Kotlin Programming Literacy (Beginner Level) benchmark assesses your knowledge of Kotlin features and use cases, as well as how to run Kotlin on the online playground, a local machine, and IntelliJ IDEA. You will be evaluated on your ability to work with mutable and immutable variables in Kotlin and use strings, string templates, conditional branching constructs, and null safety features. Learners who score high on this benchmark demonstrate that they have the skills to implement basic programming concepts in Kotlin.
15m    |   15 questions


Android App Development with Kotlin Literacy (Beginner Level)
The Android App Development with Kotlin Literacy (Beginner Level) benchmark assesses your knowledge of the basic concepts of Android development, downloading and installing Android Studio, and running a simple app on the Android Emulator. You will be evaluated on your ability to develop an Android app using various tools, layouts and views, toolbars and floating action buttons, and events. Learners who score high on this benchmark demonstrate that they have an understanding of basic Android app development concepts and can work with views and layouts.
20m    |   20 questions


Kotlin Programming Competency (Intermediate Level)
The Kotlin Programming Competency (Intermediate Level) benchmark assesses your knowledge of creating and using functions, using higher-order functions and closures, and working with lambda expressions. You will be evaluated on your ability to implement classes and create objects, use inheritance and interfaces, create and use special classes and extensions, and implement asynchronous programming with coroutines. Learners scoring high on this benchmark demonstrate that they have the skills to work with functional and object-oriented programming with Kotlin.
15m    |   15 questions


Android App Development with Kotlin Competency (Intermediate Level)
The Android App Development with Kotlin Competency (Intermediate Level) benchmark assesses your knowledge of building interactive layouts using GridView and ListVew, improving layout performance by recycling views, and creating commonly used widgets in mobile applications. You will be evaluated on your ability to use intents to start activities, eliminate boilerplate code with view and data binding, and create modular app components using fragments. Learners who score high on this benchmark demonstrate that they have the skills to build interactive layouts and work with intents, activities, and fragments.
20m    |   20 questions


Rating 5.0 of 7 users Rating 5.0 of 7 users (7)
Rating 5.0 of 4 users Rating 5.0 of 4 users (4)