5G Principles: The Promise of the 5G Revolution

Mobile Communication    |    Beginner
  • 12 videos | 1h 9m 12s
  • Includes Assessment
  • Earns a Badge
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Understanding network connectivity technologically is one thing. Appreciating how it impacts humans, individually and collectively, is another. Technology is for humans, and 5G does not exist for its own sake but has been developed to serve and respond to human needs. In this course, we'll take an in-depth look into the various human ecosystems that 5G directly or indirectly affects, how it affects them, and what kind of benefits and challenges can be expected from its future application. We'll go beyond the applications themselves, examining the more profound results expected in various "smart" domains, as well as in several logistical and data-intensive disciplines. Through this, we aim to gain insight into how these results will affect humans socially and culturally. After taking this course, you'll be able to outline the specific ways 5G could help solve many of the unique challenges facing humanity.


  • Discover the key concepts covered in this course
    Identify the immense benefits and potential of a completely connected world
    List the various domains and disciplines on which 5g will have a direct and substantial impact and specify why these influences are significant
    Describe the various benefits of the smart city and how a smart municipal infrastructure, enabled by 5g, improves the quality of life of its citizens
    Examine how 5g can be leveraged to enable citizen engagement
    Specify the financial, ecological, and security advantages delivered by smart buildings enabled by 5g
  • Describe how 5g enables smart agriculture applications and the impact this will have in future food production and supply chain management
    Examine what open and big data are, how they benefit organizations and governments, and how 5g enables these innovations
    Identify how 5g can be used in combination with blockchains to improve supply chain management and logistics
    List the various ways in which the immense speeds delivered by 5g can be beneficial
    Identify how 5g helps to equalize access and opportunity in various areas of society
    Summarize the key concepts covered in this course


  • 1m 47s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about the instructor and the course. In this course, you’ll take a deeper look into the human ecosystems 5G directly or indirectly affects. You’ll see how they're predicted to be affected, and the benefits and challenges anticipated from its application in the future. You’ll also examine the deeper results that are expected in various smart domains, as well as in several logistical and data-intensive disciplines. FREE ACCESS
  • 8m 35s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about ubiquitous connectivity. You’ll see that ubiquitous connectivity hides within 5G’s immense benefits and potential. 5G brings us closer to a completely connected world and its predicted advantages. A ubiquitous 5G network makes a completely connected world possible. FREE ACCESS
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    3.  Human Ecosystems Directly Influenced by 5G
    3m 9s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about how 5G will change our lives. First, you’ll look at particular areas where it can be applied and where it can bring about a fundamental paradigm shift. Here, you’ll examine 5G in relation to human ecosystems or smart domains. These are the areas where 5G has already made a mark and is expected to flourish over the coming decade. FREE ACCESS
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    4.  The Smart City: Smart Municipal Infrastructure
    7m 37s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about the Smart City. You’ll learn that the Smart City is one of the ecosystems that will most directly affect the largest number of people worldwide, simply due to the fact that urban areas have large populations. Today, more and more people live in an urban environment. This means over half of the world's population will potentially be affected by smart city applications powered by 5G. FREE ACCESS
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    5.  The Smart City: Enabling the Smart Citizen
    5m 40s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about the Smart City and the Smart Citizen. You’ll see 5G is part of this ICT infrastructure that allows components of the smart city to send data, receive commands, and respond to information gathered. It’s important to remember the reason this technology is being developed is for citizens. This means there's a human-framework component to the smart city that must be addressed and understood. FREE ACCESS
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    6.  Smart Buildings Enabled by 5G
    7m 24s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about Smart Buildings. You’ll see this is another major area in which 5G plays a vital role. It’s similar to a smart city but has a more specialized application base that involves buildings and the various systems and functionalities they require. Also known as building automation, the purpose of making buildings smart includes an increase in energy efficiency, productivity gains, sustainability, operation efficiency, and security. FREE ACCESS
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    7.  Smart Agriculture and Food Production Enabled by 5G
    9m 28s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about smart agriculture and food production. Over the next 30 years the world's population is expected to approach or exceed 10 billion. The world's agricultural sector is going to be called upon to feed all of these people. Technologies have been proposed or are in development geared towards increasing agricultural output to deal with this increased demand. 5G is one of the fundamental enabling technologies behind many of these. FREE ACCESS
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    8.  Big Data and Open Data Enabled by 5G
    8m 3s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about big data and open data enabled by 5G. You’ll learn big data is a field that seeks to analyze and extract information from sets of data that are too large or too complex to be analyzed by conventional means. Problems which involve millions or even billions of pieces of data from multiple and unrelated sources can be tackled using big data analytics. Big data focuses on predictive analysis. FREE ACCESS
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    9.  5G in Blockchain, Supply Chains, and Logistics
    6m 50s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about supply chain management and 5G. You’ll learn supply chain management is a discipline that has to do with the management of the flow of goods. 5G and the technologies it supports will play a vital role in improving and enhancing supply chains worldwide. One of the most revolutionary changes in the evolution of supply chain management over the years is the digitization of supply chains. FREE ACCESS
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    10.  Taking Advantage of the Speed of 5G
    4m 55s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about 5G’s speed. 5G’s high speeds make it attractive to many people. One of the fundamental high speed use cases for 5G involves what is known as fixed wireless. This refers to the connection of a stationary locale, such as a building, to the network. In this way, fixed wireless 5G applications compete directly with technologies such as fiber, DSL, and cable. FREE ACCESS
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    11.  5G: Unlocking Economic Opportunity and Equal Access
    3m 42s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about 5G and economic opportunities. One of the goals of 5G is to deliver equal access and opportunity to everyone all over the world. The Digital Divide describes the gap between those who are able to benefit from digital applications and services and those who are not. In 2019, the FCC reported this digital divide is most prominent in areas where high-speed broadband is unavailable. FREE ACCESS
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    12.  Course Summary
    2m 4s
    In this video, you’ll summarize what you’ve learned in the course. In this course, you’ve learned how 5G’s infrastructure affects areas of technology and society. You analyzed various human ecosystems, smart domains, and logistical and data-intensive disciplines that are affected or will be affected by 5G. You also looked at big data, open data, their benefits, and the involvement of IoT applications in those disciplines. FREE ACCESS


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