Handling Hazardous Drugs

  • 9 topics | 42m
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Hazardous drugs pose several toxicity hazards that require special handling instructions, PPE, and storage. It's important to always ensure that these drugs or contaminated materials are appropriately labeled and stored. Only trained personnel should handle these materials and address spills. It's also important that you can identify these drugs and that you know how to access information about them, follow procedures, and avoid exposure. This course was developed with subject matter expert support provided by Strata-G, LLC, a global professional services company focusing on regulatory compliance, safety and health, infrastructure management and operations, and business services. Please note, the course materials and content were current with the laws and regulations at the time of the last expert review; however, they may not reflect the most current legal developments, location-specific, or facility/process-specific requirements. Nothing herein, or in the course materials, shall be construed as professional advice as to any particular situation with respect to compliance with legal statutes or requirements.


  • identify the potential dangers of hazardous drugs
  • identify precautions to take when handling hazardous drugs
  • identify the aspects of a hazard communication program
  • recognize the training needed for employees handling hazardous drugs
  • identify the dangers of hazardous drugs and effective communication and training procedures
  • identify the elements of a drug safety and health plan
  • identify control measures to protect employees from potential exposure
  • identify actions to take in the event of exposure or release
  • recognize procedures for effective waste disposal
  • identify the elements of a drug safety and health plan and emergency procedures to follow
  • identify the proper procedures to take receipt of, store, and transport hazardous drugs
  • identify the purpose of medical screening
  • identify when screenings should take place
  • identify the procedures for receiving and storing hazardous drugs as well as medical screening


  • The Dangers of Hazardous Drugs
  • Communication and Training
  • Knowledge Check: Hazardous Drug Dangers
  • Hazardous Drug and Safety Health Plan
  • Emergency Procedures
  • Knowledge Check: Emergency Procedures
  • Receipt, Storage and Transport
  • Medical Screening
  • Knowledge Check: Additional Procedures