Mayo Clinic Q&A: COVID-19, vaccines and children

  • 1 video | 32m 42s
Rating 4.2 of 55 users Rating 4.2 of 55 users (55)
The distribution kinks for COVID-19 vaccines are getting ironed out, says Dr. Gregory Poland, an infectious diseases expert and head of Mayo Clinic's Vaccine Research Group."It's a logistics nightmare, but now you're seeing a plan to administer 1 million doses a day and I think that's very achievable," says Dr. Poland. "And the production of the vaccine is just going to accelerate." Dr. Poland also repeats the reminders about preventing transmission of COVID-19: Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Keep your social distance. "The current estimates are that in the next four weeks, we'll probably have about another 100,000 deaths," adds Dr. Poland. "It's stunning when you think about 1 out of every 860 Americans has now died of this." (Published 01/20/2021)


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